It's like za always says

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Drew didn't answer my call. 

When the automated answering machine asked me to leave my name and number, I debated it for a few seconds and then decided to just hang up. 

Instead I took a long shower and settled into bed. While usually hot water and clean pyjamas made me feel super relaxed, I was still on edge. My mind was thinking up all the possible reasons Drew didn't answer my calls. 

he was ignoring me

he was asleep

he was mad at me 

he was with friends

his battery was dead

he no longer wanted to speak to me 

he thought i was crazy

In his defence, the last one was kind of fair. Even I was beginning to think I was crazy. 

What the hell was I doing? Why was I spending so much time dwelling on this? Drew didn't answer my call and I went into full panic mode? Fūck, it's not like i'm his girlfriend or anything. Who cares what he thinks, I didn't need to give him and explanation, he was no one to me and I was no one to him. 

Finally talking myself out of my downward spiral, I turned over to my side and got comfortable enough to sleep. 

Until my phone buzzed. 

Suddenly my little pep talk meant absolute bullshit because the second my iphone dinged, I reached to grab it off my bedside table. 

My stomach felt uneasy and I was beginning to get nervous so before I could freak myself out further I quickly checked my messages. 

Chandler Bing: u awake?

fūck fúck fück

Lucky Charm: yes

I felt so awkward and I had no Idea why

Chandler Bing: u ok?

I tried to calm my racing heart, so I could think my response through properly. I should just play it cool. It wasn't a big deal, so I shouldn't make it one. 

Lucky Charm: yeah, sorry about earlier 

Lucky Charm: It wasn't me texting

I was in the middle of typing out what had happened when I received a text.

Chandler Bing: It was Alyssa

what the fūck

Lucky Charm: how did you know?

Chandler Bing: I didn't at first but it was the only thing that made sense when i thought about it 

he had thought about it? i don't know whether that excited me or worried me. 

Chandler Bing: sorry I couldn't answer ur call

Chandler Bing: i was at a concert

Lucky Charm: it's okay :)

Chandler Bing: it's late for u, why aren't u sleeping

Was I going to tell him i was up stressing? Hell no. He didn't need to know how much I over analysed things.

Lucky Charm: i was thinking about uni applications 

It wasn't a total lie. I thought about it for half a second in the shower.

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