za called and woke me up

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"Have you thought about what you want to do yet?" Mum asked, cutting off a piece of chicken and piercing a fork through it.

"No," I tried to sound nonchalant, not wanting to alarm her. "Uni preferences don't close until after graduation, so i'm not overly fussed."

"I know what I want to do," chimed in Lyssa, who was enjoying her waffles.

"We all know what you want to do," said Dad, "You've known you wanted to be a psychologist since you were six."

It was one of the rare days all of us had the morning off. Although Lyss and I no longer had class, we technically haven't finished school until Graduation night in a few weeks. Mum's restaurant was closed on Mondays and Dad didn't start work today until the afternoon.

Growing up we had lived in every state across Australia so stability was non-existent. Still, it made us closer and in a totally non-tacky way, my parents were cool. For parents, anyway.

Lyssa shrugged her shoulders. "There's nothing wrong with a girl who knows what she wants."

Mum smiled proudly, "I taught her that."

I slid my chair out and stood up. "I'm going to get more pancakes, anyone want anything?"

Lyssa snorted. "You've already had three you ogre, isn't that enough?"

Placing my napkin down and tucking my chair under the table, i told her, "There's nothing wrong with a girl who knows that there's no such thing as enough pancakes."

Dad nodded cheekily at Mum, "I taught her that."

I left them to their conversation and went to the counter to order more food.

As i was waiting for my order to be called, i felt my phone vibrate in my jean pocket.

Chandler Bing: Babe

It was one word. One word that made me smile stupidly and caused my heart to jump.

Lucky Charm: since when do you call me babe

Chandler Bing: since we decided u were going to be my new maid

Lucky Charm: i don't remember agreeing to that

Chandler Bing: u didnt disagree either

Chandler Bing: in my court of law if u don't disagree, then you agree

Lucky Charm: how can i argue with such logic

Chandler Bing: u can't

Chandler Bing: sorry not sorry

Lucky Charm: what time is it?

Chandler Bing: just after five am

Lucky Charm: why aren't you sleeping

Chandler Bing: because i woke up

Lucky Charm: i'm not at home so i don't have the time to find a gif to react to that so emojis will have to suffice but

Lucky Charm: 😑😒

Chandler Bing: Za called and woke me up and I couldn't go back to sleep so i figured i'd talk to my favourite Australian

Lucky Charm: awwwwww

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