Hanging By A Moment

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Okay, sorry if i posted this late.. I've been busy..

Anyhow.. For you my awesomely skilled frand, thanks so much for making me laugh so hard.. LOL... well you did actually though you probably didn't know.. you're just too fun to talk to.. ^^

And you pretty people who are reading this.. go and fan her cause she's awesome! NO JOKE! ^^

Anyway, thanks for everyone who are still reading my stuff.. totally appreciated.. So yeah..


PS: Slight sexual content.. you've been warned.. but go ahead and read it if you want.. and sorry, i don't know what the hell i'm writing in this chapter.. ITS HARD! I swear.. and i suck at dialogues.. SORRY!

Also, i didn't proof read so sorry for errors..


My legs keep moving slowly, like its waiting for my brain to function properly. My eyes glued to the designers perfection, my heart rapidly, wildly beating loud inside my chest. Unconsciously, I know what I'm doing and yet I can't get myself to turn back and run before I make the most abominable mistake in my life.

This is wrong.

Wrong in the most rightful way.




This is one of the many days where I just lay around, not doing anything. If I have no gig, no morning job, or no sidelines, this is my life.


You might thought that I'm such a party girl, but no. I've long forgotten that life, and I ain't going back. I learned my lesson the hard way and I learned it with a broken leg, bruised face and a stab in the right upper quadrant of my abs. The worst part is, I've got my ego beaten up. They sucked it up until there's nothing left and I don't want to ever remember that shit.

See, why I try to stay home?

The good part is I'm physically alright, no drama, no broken legs, no nothing. Just me and my lonesome self.

The sucky part is that I'm all alone with my thoughts which meant that there is only one thing in my mind. You know, the one thing that haunts like a possessive demon, but not in an exorcist kinda way. More like, I'm the one trying to possess that someone cause I wanted that someone so badly that if I think about that someone, I'll also be in her mind?

Anyone get that?

Yeah, thought so.

"This sucks!" I whisper as saying it silently won't be a reality. "Aaarrrggghhh!!" I muffled a scream in my pillow!

Gosh, I hate myself for being so pathetic!

I'm turning into those broken hearted obsessed psychos!

What does obsess mean?

I grab my phone from my bedside and press the little round button then that mic icon. "What does obsess mean?"

"Let me check my sources.." The automated female voice of the new controversial Siri iPhone boomed out my phone.

This is why I love this phone! It's so fucking amazing!

Amazing is the understatement of the century.

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