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Chapter two: Brokenly broken.


I looked up at the sky.. Why did the world have to be so cruel? Why can't i go back to the past? Here i am, in front of her house, going to beg for forgiveness... I really do hope she forgives me. I knock on the door, she opened up, she still looked so beautiful.

" If it isn't the bastard who picked his girlfriend over me. What a surprise. " She chuckles fakely. I know she's mad, she's being sarcastic for god damn sakes!

" Look, i'm sorry, i know i made you mad and picked Courtney over you. But here i am, begging for forgiveness. " I say apologizingly.

" And you think i can forgive you just like that? " She asks as she puts her left hand on her left hip.

" Yes? " I say unsure. She shakes her head.

" Well no! I can't forgive a replacing bastard just like you! You think its so easy to forgive you when it isn't! " She shouts at me and slams the door on my face.

Well, Laura.. What am i gonna do?


I went home and opened the door to see Emma, our cousin and her son, Raxter.

" Hey guys. Just here to pick up Raxter. " She says as she carries Raxter in her arms.

" I'm gonna miss you little patuttie! " Rydel squeals and pinches Raxter's cheek.

" Rydel, they only live thirty minutes away from us. " Riker says like its obvious.

" I don't care! I'm gonna miss this little boy! " She exclaims.

" Bye everyone. " Emma says.

" Bye Guys! " Raxter squeals as he leaves with his mom.

" Well, what now? " Rocky asks in boredom.

" Sweetie! " someone says as they burst inside the house.

" Lia? " We all ask in confusion.

" Rikeypoo! Where are you? " She asks as she walks around swaying her hips from side to side.

" I'm here, Lia. " Riker says a little annoyed as he walks over to her, " I need to get some water. " Riker adds as he leaves.

" You better leave my brother alone! " Rydel exclaims as she walks towards Lia.

" No way! He's my boyfriend! " She exclaims and throws her arms in the air.

" Oh my god! Lia hurt me! Leave her Riker please! Oh dear! " Rydel pretends to be scared, and speaks in a baby/ high pitched voice " Riker always listens to his FAVORITE and ONLY little sister. " Rydel says pointing to herself proudly.

" Whatever, Lynch. You will pay for this! " She exclaims mad. Riker walks in, " Oh hey honey. " Lia immediately switches to her goody goody side.

" Riker..... " Rydel called as Lia was eyeing her.

" Yes Rydel? " Riker looked at Rydel.

" Lia here..... " She trailed.. Lia was looking pretty nervous.

" Lia what? " Riker asked confused.

" Oh nothing. " Rydel quickly says.

" Okay? " Riker says confused and curious at the same time, he also left. Rydel walked closer to Lia, face to face with her.

" You know what's gonna happen to you once my mouth opens. " Rydel says threatening Lia.

" I think Riker doesn't allow animals in his house. " She says smirking.

" Then your not allowed here. " Rydel says smirking too.


Lia's mouth was wide open, she did not expect that!

" Whoops! Burned too much? " Rocky asks sarcastically.

" The firefighters have arrived because they've heard, someone has been " burned " " Ryland says in a low voice and makes quotations out of his fingers when he said burned.

" Need some ice for  that burn, Lia? " I ask her, she huffed and left.

That's what she deserves.



Different Lives. ( Raura, Rinessa, Rydellington, Ryvannah, Ralexa )Where stories live. Discover now