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Chapter thirteen: Nothing seems to matter to you, Ross.


" Ross? Courtney? " She asked confused as she saw us.. Shit, what am i gonna do?!

" Uh, hey Laur. " I say nervously smiling.. She's gonna kill me.

" Oh, your Laura right? The girl Ross betrayed. " Courtney says laughing.. Wow, great time to say that Courtney.

" Why do you say that? " Laura asked taken back by what she said.

" Well, Ross did mention that you didn't matter to him anymore after he picked me over you.. " She says smiling.. Fuck, she said it. Yes, it's true. I did say that.

" Really? " She asks as a tear falls down her cheek, she quickly wiped it. Courtney nods.

" That's true, Laura. He did really say that. " Courtney say slightly smirking.

" Wow, Ross.. I even thought of being best friends with you again.. " Laura says as a tear falls down her cheek, she immediately wiped it and ran away.. I sighed.

" You really needed to say that? " I ask her in annoyance/ frustration. She nodded perkily.

" Yes, Ross. She deserves to know the truth. " Courtney says smirking.. I sigh, " Courtney.. When will you accept that i don't like you anymore? Your pathetic. " I say in frustration and run after Laura.


Where is she?! I looked around almost the whole town and i cannot find her! I called her mom, her sister and even her friends, she isn't with them.

I was walking down at this unknown or abandoned place.. It was empty. No houses, no people, just trees and sadness.

I spotted a girl, she was leaning against this door of a random house in the middle of nowhere.. I approached her and saw who she was.


I ran to her and crouched in front of her. She was crying..

" Laura? I'm really sorry. "

" You traitor.. " She softly and quietly says..

" Laura, i'm really really sorry.. I loved Courtney so much at that point. But now i don't an- " She cut me off.

" So?! Do i only matter to you when you have nobody anymore?! Your so pathetic, Ross! To even think that i wanted to be friends with you again! " She shouts at me... I look down, ashamed of myself.

" I can't believe you... I can't believe that i ever even trusted somebody like you.. All of this is just a mistake.. " She says quietly.. She stood up and mumbled something under her breath.. I didn't quite hear it.. I heard the words, like and believe..

" Nothing seems to matter to you, Ross. " She says quietly. I stood silent.

" Ross, if you don't want to be friends with me, just say so.. We can forget that we had something.. Now, i know that i only matter to you when you don't have anyone. " She smiles slightly and walks away.

I stood there. Alone and depressed.. I felt myself crying. Fuck, i shouldn't be crying.

I like her, so much... The feeling of being called a traitor by the person you like is horrible.. Why do i even like her? She'll never feel the same.


If you wanna know what i mumbled under my breath well.. I said, " I can't believe that i even liked you. "

I feel so depressed. I lost my best friend. Please, Lord, kill me now.

Jasmine called me and asked if i was okay, i told her i was fine and that she didn't need to worry.. I needed to hide this from everyone.

" Laur? You okay? " Vanessa asks me as she closes the door of my bedroom.. I sigh and nod.

" I am okay, Vanessa. " I say smiling fakely.. She shakes her head.

" You liar. I'm your sister, i know every move of yours. " Vanessa says sternly.. I shake my head.

" No, i am not okay. Ross told Courtney that i didn't matter to him at all the day he chose her over me.. We even fought. " I say softly.. I felt tears dropping.. Damn, i didn't want to cry.

" Remember Laura.. There's a lot of fake people in this world, Ross is one of them. " Vanessa says and i gasp, " What!? " I exclaim.

" Forget about what he said. You don't need him anyway. " She says as she rubs my back.. I looked at her.

" But what if i do. " I blurt out.. What the heck?! What on earth did i just say?!

" Y-you need him? " Vanessa questioned.. I slowly nodded.. She squeals.

" He's like my source of happiness.. But, i can't believe that i even want to be friends witn him again. " I say softly.. She laughs and looks at me.

" You like him, don't you? " Vanessa asks me smiling.. I shake my head.

" Denial is hard, ya know? " She says smirking.. I knew i couldn't win this. So i gave up!

" Fine, i do like him. He can't know it. NOBODY CAN! " I whisper/ yell at her.

" Okay, sure sister. " She smirks up.. I see Riker walk towards our house in the window. I signal Vanessa to open up the door. She nods and walks downstairs to open it. I walk downstairs with her.

" Hi, Riker. " Vanessa says smiling, Riker smiles back, " Hey Nessa. " He says waving and Vanessa obviously lets him in the house.

" Nice place you got here. " He says looking around the house, I smile. When he saw me he gasps.. What the heck is up with this boy?

" Oh, Laura! I didn't see you here! I thought you were upstairs. " He says startled. Vanessa and I laugh at him, he pouts at us.

" C'mon! " He says throwing his hands in the air..

" Laura? Vanessa? Who is that? " My mother, Ellen, questioned as she stepped in the living room.

" Hi, Mommy Marano. " Riker says smiling widely.. I try to hide back a laugh since my mom doesn't remember who the heck he is.

" Mommy Marano? Who are you to call me Mo- " Vanessa cuts my mom off.

" Mom, that's Riker. " Vanessa says annoyed, my mom's mad look turned immediately into a big smile.

" Oh My Lord, Riker! We missed you and your family so much! " My mom gasps and hugs Riker. Riker chuckled.

" We miss you too, Mommy Marano. " Riker says as he hugs back.. I love our family.


That's it for this chapter! This was really long tho! I hope you enjoyed it! ❤️

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