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Chapter 10: Stealing


Our jaws drop... OMG!

" Jasmine?! " We all shout in unison. Jasmine nods.

" What i told you was a lie, of course i'll come over! " Jasmine says. We all giggle.

" Awesome! " We all say and change into our pajamas since Rydel has extras in her house.


" Hey Josh, can you do me a favor? " Lianna asks her friend as she motioned Josh to come to her.

" What is it, Lianna? " Josh questioned, Lianna smirked.

" Well, i want you to do something for me. You know Vanessa Marano right? " Lia asks, Josh nods in confusion.

" Yeah? Why? " He asked confused.

" Well, she's running for president! Like i am. I want you to steal all of her ideas, plans and platforms. Okay? " Lia says proudly as she came up with a good plan.

" Is Riker gonna know anything about this? You know that Riker and her are best friends. " Lia's girl best friend, Ashley, questioned.. Lia sighs.

" No, of course not. " Lia says.. Josh walks to the School Student Meeting Room and sees Vanessa and her crew.

" Hey guys. " Josh says waving, Vanessa and her crew wave back, " What ya doin'? " Josh questioned.

" We're working on our plans for the future if ever Vanessa wins president. " Jasmine, Vanessa's best friend, says smiling as she looked at Vanessa..

" Oh, may i see? " Josh asked..

" No, what if you tell someone? " Laura says slamming her hands on the table.

" No, i promise i wont! " Josh sweared, " Fine. " Vanessa answered and showed Josh their plans.

Their platform was incredibly neat and organized.. There were pictures to represent how would they do the things they planned..

1. Anti Bullying Process
2. Recycling
3. Suggesting.
4. Cooperating in Events

That's all they got so far... It was extremely unique tho..

" Well, i should get going. " Josh says pointing his thumb towards the door behind his shoulder.

" Sure, bye Josh! " The crew says..

Josh leaves and immediately runs to Lia and tells her their plans.

" Impressive.. Just wait till they see this. " Lia smirks and writes down the plans.



I'm walking by the room of Lia and her crew to see.. OUR PLANS WHAT THE HECK!?? I ran inside their room..

" Hey! That's our plan! " I shout out, they all laugh.

" Listen, i might be nice when Riker is around but when he isn't, i will never be nice to you! And you will never ever win as president when i am your opponent. " Lia says walking towards me.. Well she just showed her true colors.

" What if i do? " I ask her smirking.. She scoffs.

" Impossible. " She replies.. I scoff and walk away.. What a bitch.



That should teach her a lesson.

" Oh my god. " My high- pitched annoying best friend, Ashley, reacts..

" Ashley, could you shut up? You sound like a mouse. " I exclaim putting my hand on my hip and flipping my hair.

" Sorry. " She replies.. Whatever.

" Look, Ashley, this is my fight so i have to do this. So step out of the way cuz i don't need you at all! " I say rudely, she deserves it. Ashley scoffs and walks away.

" Why did you do that to Ashley? "

I turn around to see........


Crappy chapter? I know..

Cliff hanger? I know...

But i rlly hope u enjoyed it! ❤️  PLS VOTE AND COMMENT! 😍

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