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Chapter twenty- three: You will never be like Vanessa.


I got up from bed, streched and look at the clock. It wrote 6:12am.. I don't want to wake up.

It frustrates me that we have to go to school today, i'm not pleased to see Lucas's and Riker's face today. My phone vibrated so i picked it up.. I saw a message from Laura.

Hey Nessiee. Raini just texted me and told me that there's no school today because one of the classrooms are being renovated which can cause noise so the classes will be distracted😂

No class!? Yes! I'm so glad. I jump out of my bed and walk to the bathroom to take a shower. Minutes later, i was finished. I put on some black skinny jeans, a blue tanktop, a loose black thin jacket and my dark blue converse.

I walk downstairs to see Laura making us breakfast, " Look at the early bird. It's 6:35am.. You usually wake up at seven. What happened to you? " Laura asks me shocked.. Wow.

" I woke up at 6:12am. It's been quite a shock to me too. " I say as i grab myself a glass of orange juice from the fridge, " Glad there's no school today. "

" Me too. " Laura says, " And.. For once, your not drinking vodka. " I say a little bit quietly to her.

" I'm over that. I'm sorry too. I was just upset because dad never called us. " She says.. After that was the moment of silence. I mean, i admit, i'm upset too.

" People think it's easy. " I spoke up, she nods a little and hands me my food, " Thanks. "

She walks upstairs after. Isn't she gonna eat? I put Laura's food in the fridge. I continue eating mine and after, i wash up my plate, i brush my teeth and walk back up to my room.

I check my phone, i had 2 missed calls and 3 text messages from people.

First text:

Going to Canada in four days. See you next week.

Second text:

Come over pls.

Last text:

I didn't feel like eating. Leave the house whenever you want. I'm gonna go back to sleep in my room.

The missed calls were from Riker and Lucas.

I grab Rydel's jacket from the closet, she let me use it for as long as i want. I'm going to return it today.

I walk downstairs and out to the door. I only had like 20 foot steps and i'm at the Lynch's house. It's right beside ours. They moved houses a few weeks ago if they didn't tell you.

I knock at the door and Rydel answers. I walk inside and we chat for a little.

" Here's your jacket. " I say giving it to her. She calls Riker and gives it to him, " Isn't the jacket yours? Why are you giving it to Riker? " I ask confused. They both chuckle.

" I've been fooling you. The jacket is Riker's. " She says, i look at her sternly, " Rydel. " I say mad.

Riker chuckles, " It's okay, Vanessa. " He says and goes upstairs. I sigh, i didn't want to see him today. I wanted to be with the girls.

" I know your upset about the Lucas thing. " Rydel says, i look at her and nod, " I really like him. " I say sadly. She sighs.

" I'm gonna go. " I say quietly, we exchange goodbyes and i walk out the door.

I'm not going home. No. I want to get my mind off things. I took a walk at the park then i worked at the diner and now.. I'm going to the beach.


I was doing chores at the house, my mother walks down the stairs and looks at me.

" Your doing everything wrong, Laura. Let your sister do this when she gets home. " She says sternly and walks to the kitchen to get some water. I sigh and put the broom away. She comes back with her glass.

" Laura? Why can't you be like Vanessa? Why do you do everything wrong? " She says.. She always compares me to Vanessa.

" I don't know mommy. " I say quietly, " What!? " She starts shouting.. I don't want to do this.

" Why is it always my fault? Doesn't Vanessa do anything wrong?! " I shout angrily. My mom gasps.

" Don't you dare raise your voice at me! " She shouts back.. " You will never be as talented and good as your sister! Your just hidden in her shadow. " She adds.

That hurt the most.

" I'm sorry that i'm not talented. I'm sorry that i do everything wrong! " I shout at her with tears in my eyes.

" You better be sorry! " She says..

" But you know what? I'm not sorry that i'm not Vanessa. I don't want to be her. " I say rudely and walk away from her.

I hear the door open.

" Mom? Laura? " I hear a familliar voice. I turn to see.




What happened? I was just gone for like two hours. I look at my mom whose crying and Laura who is laying down on the couch crying as well.

" What happened here? " I ask confused at these two crying people in front of me. Laura stands up and faces me.

" I will never be like you. " She whispers to me and walks out the door. I look at my mom and she walks upstairs.

What happened here?


I called Laura and it's been 5 rings and she hasn't picked up yet. Okay. She has picked up now.

" Laura? " I say. She cries in the other line. What happened!?

" Laura!? Are you okay!? " I ask her worriedly. You can hear her sobs.

" I-it's much b-b-better if you leave me a-alone.. D-don't ca-call me again. " She sobs and hangs up the call. What!?

I run to her house and knock on the door. Only Vanessa opened up, " What happened? " I ask her. She shakes her head, " I don't know. "

I thank her and walk outside to look for Laura. I can't let her leave. I'm going to find her.

Goodluck, Ross Shor Lynch.

Different Lives. ( Raura, Rinessa, Rydellington, Ryvannah, Ralexa )Where stories live. Discover now