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Chapter three: Sibling arguement.



People here are just eating their disgusting cafeteria food. Ugh, how i hate those! These chips? EXPIRED!

" So? Have you talked to Lia yet? " Rocky asks as he sat down beside me.

" No, why would i apologize to someone stinking rude? I'm not that shallow, Rocky. " I say annoyed. People kept bugging me to apologize to Lia since she's Queen Bee and she could somewhat expell me.

" Come on. We both know that your apology means nothing. " He says as he takes a bite of his burger from Mcdonalds. Thank God, we didn't buy cafeteria food.

" Exactly! My apology means nothing so why do it?! " I say making a point. He nods and just eats his food in silence.

" Guys, i need to tell you something. " Ross, Ryland and Ratliff say at the same time while sitting on our table.

" Yup? What is it? " I ask as i take one whole french fry in my mouth.

" Riker is mad at you. " Ross says.. WHAT?!

" What?! How?! " I ask slamming on the table. They all jumped.

" He found out about what you did to Lia and Lia kinda made some mix ups. " Ryland says while playing with his fingers.

" What mix up? " I ask them mad.

" Lia said you smacked her and hit her while Riker was gone. " Ratliff, my boyfriend, says in fright.

" SHE DID WHAT?! " I shout at them... Everybody looks at us.

" You deserved it Rydel. How can you hurt Lia like that? " Riker says standing up from the popular table.

" And you believe her.. " I say chuckling. Wow...

" Of course, i do. She's my girlfriend. " Riker defends Lia.

" So she's more important to you rather than your little sister? " I ask him while putting a hand on my hip... He went silent.

" As i thought. " I say as i walk out of the cafeteria.


I know i went a little haywired ( is that how you spell it? ) but she hurt Lia! MY own girlfriend!

" Riker, you know what you did. " Lia says calming me down as she made me sit down on my chair with her and my friends...

" What you did was really harsh, Riker. I don't even believe that she hit Lia. Not even a second. " My best friend, Daniel says.

" I find it difficult too, to believe that Rydel hit Lia. I've known Rydel for long and she's a sweet person. She'd do nothing like that. " Beth exclaims.

" Dude, she's your sister. She's a kind girl. You know your own sister man! Come on. " Daniel says nudging me.

" Wow.. So you guys take some non- make up girl's side than me? " Lia says huffing.

" She's not some non- make up girl, Lia. She's Riker's sister, and i know that whatever happens you will never WIN! " Beth says emphasizing the word, " Win ".

" What do you mean? " Lia asks them confused.

" Whatever happens in the end, Lia. You will never win against Riker's sister. " Beth says again.

" What? You guys are crazy. I find it unbelievable that Riker would pick her over me! I'm way better than that sister of his. She doesn't wear any make up which makes her look so pale! " Lia says... I know she's indeed full of herself but i love her.

" Come on Lia. Quit being so full of yourself. " Daniel says annoyed.

" It's not being full of myself, Daniel. It's about having a point. " Lia scoffs.

" Stop. " I say. They all looked at me.

" Riker tell them you'd pick me. " Lia says grabbing my hand, i yanked it away.

" You made me do that to Rydel! I cannot forgive you just yet. " I say mad.

" What did i even do? " She asks me confused.

" You made me believe that stupid lie of her beating you up! I know Rydel would never do that. " I say even more upset.

" Then why did you believe me? " She chuckles.

" Maybe because i care about you. But now, it's not worth it. "



Different Lives. ( Raura, Rinessa, Rydellington, Ryvannah, Ralexa )Where stories live. Discover now