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DISCLAIMER: From now on, you will see a lot of Linessa or Vucas and lets say... Rucas ;)

Chapter twenty- one: Sad Life.


I really like Vanessa. She seems so nice and sweet. Today, i'm hanging out at her house since it's a Saturday.

Someone rang the doorbell, Vanessa excuses herself and opens the door to find her friend, Riker was that?

" Hey Nes. " He says smiling, " Rikey... Your here. " Vanessa says smiling big..

Rikey? She shouldn't use that when she's dating someone.. I should forbidd her to use that.

" Why did you want me to come here? " He asks Vanessa, Vanessa smiles, " I want to announce that Lucas and I are dating! Also, i want you and Lucas to get to know each other as Laura and i go shopping! "

Riker didn't say something for a few seconds, " Oh, sure. " Was all he said.

" Great, bye! " Vanessa exclaims and walks out of the house with her bag and keys.

" Sooo, your Lucas right? " Riker asks, i nod my head and scoot away from the couch so he can sit down.

We look at eachother.. I never noticed his eyes are so.... Dreamy.

Wow, wait! WHAT!?

" I'm Riker Anthony Lynch. I'm twenty- two and i came from Colorado to here at LA. Vanessa and I met when she was five and i was six, We were best friends ever since. My favorite color is blue and i love music. " He says smiling bright at me.. I love his smile.

" Um, oh yeah. I'm Lucas Jacob Damon, i'm twenty- two and i'm originally from Arizona. I moved here because of my mom. I met Vanessa four months ago because she helped me with my history homework. My favorite color is white and i love baseball. I was a player for 4 years til i moved here and needed to quit. " I say to him, he nods..

We just stare at each other with awkward silence.

" Want some candy? " Riker asks me, i nod and he pulls out the candy from his pockets.. He hands it to me, i grab it but accidentally our hands touched. We both looked at it and he pulled away quickly.

" Thanks bro. " I say smiling, he smiles back at me, " I should go now. "

" Me too, " I say and we walk outside together, " See you on monday? " I ask him, he nods, " sure bro. "


It's now Tuesday and i have to say, Riker and I are getting super close all of the sudden. We seriously hang out like every second of the day!

" Hey man! " I see Riker walk up to me.. I wave at him, " Sup bro?! " We do our handshake.

" Great. Vanessa is being mean to me. " He says pouting, " Probably jealous that your now hanging out with me. " I say, we both chuckle.

I see Vanessa walk towards us, she pushes my chest.

" First time i checked, WE were dating. Now, your all over my best friend!? " She shouts at me, " No, Vanessa. It's nothing like that. "

Different Lives. ( Raura, Rinessa, Rydellington, Ryvannah, Ralexa )Where stories live. Discover now