Chapter 1: Phoenix Drop

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*K E Y*

(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(N/N) - Nickname
(A/N) - Assassin Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(H/L) - Hair Length
(E/C) - Eye Color
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/N) - Friends Name


I ran through the forest swinging from tree to tree and jumping to the ground from time to time. I stopped and leaned against a tree trunk.

"Man...this is tiring..." I breathed. I suddenly heard a loud thump. I turned my head to see a guy with blue hair laying on the ground in pain. I slipped out my dagger as he slowly stood up.

"Who are you!" I snapped. He scrambled up to his feet and looked at me.
"Im Dante..." He squeaked.

"What are you doing?" I asked lowering my dagger a bit.
"I-uh... How about I ask YOU what you are doing around the walls of Phoenix Drop!" He snapped.
"Im near Phoenix Drop eh? Well its about time.." I mummbled to myself.

"What was that?" He asked.
"NOTHING! Nothing.." I assured waving my hands infront of my face. Dante shook his head and sighed.
"You actually never answered my question by the way.." He said, trailing off as he scratched the back of his neck.
"I wont say anything until you answer MY question." I snapped, putting my dagger away.

"Well...I was standing up on the wall keeping watch until I started to nod off. And I sorta...kinda... fell off of the wall...." He answered looking at the ground. I snickered.
"Clumsy ass. Well! I was actually lookimg FOR Phoenix Drop because I needed to speak to the lord." I stated.
"Oh. If your looking for Aphmau then follow me." Dante replied as he turned his heels and started walking towards the front gate.
"Okay!" I answered putting up a fake smile.

Perfect opportunity to take out my first target.

I try to stiffle a laugh as I take out my dagger once again. I rose it up until it was leveled with his neck.


I breathed slowly.


I gripped onto the dagger harshly, so it wouldn't fall out of my hand.


Something sunddenly fell onto me making me fall to the ground. I look up to see that the something was a someone. They had snow white hair and piercing green eyes. He also had a very beautiful red sword pressed up against the back of my neck.

"What do you think your doing?" He spat.
"O-Oh..NOTHING!! Nothing! Nothing at all!!" I said, laughing nervously.
"Travis! What are you doing?!" Dante yelled.
"Well, this lil miss here was holding a dagger up to the back of your neck and it looked like that she was about to attack you." Travis answered, glaring at me. Dante's eyes widened and looked down at me.


"What exactly did you want to talk about with Aphmau?" Dante asked, crouching down to my level.
"Business." I bluntly stated. He frowned.
"Tie her up. We are taking her to thw prison." Dante told Travis and he nodded.


"I'll get Aphmau, you ok with her on your own?" He asked before he ran off.
"Yeah! Im always okay with the ladies!" Travis joked, Dante smiled and ran to get Aphmau. Travis then looked at me.
"Now, do you want to do this the easy way or the hard way?" He asked.
"Meaning?" I sighed.
"Do you want to listen to me and walk there with my sword pinned to your back, or do you want me to tie up your hands and throw you over my shoulder?" Travis asked, smirking.

Can niether be a choice?

He didnt give me time to answer when he started to tie my wrists together with some rope that came out of nowhere. Travis then stood me up, sheathed his sword, and threw me over his shoulder.
"Hey! Why even ask me if your just going to pick yourself!" I shouted.
"Because I wanted to. Now shush or I'll put tape over your mouth." Travis warned. I grumbled as he started walking towards this 'prison'.

Shit. Shit. Shit. SHIT! Hopefully this prison thing is easy to escape because if I delay, Zane doesnt pay me.

Once we got to the prison, I saw multiple people standing infront of the front doors. There was Dante, a guy with brown hair and blue eyes, a guy with sandy hair and blue eyes, and another guy with black hair and dark eyes. There was also a girl with brown hair and carmel eyes.

"So this is the young miss that Dante was talking so fondly about." The guy with brown hair stated. Dante glared at him.
"Now, let me introduce myself. Im Larence. This is Garroth, Aaron, and Lord Aphmau. What may your name be?" Larence said as Travis dropped me to the ground.
"Im.....uh... YUI! Yui is my name." I answered.

I cant give them my real name... nor my assassin name or else they would know that I work for Zane.

"Well hello Yui, its a pleasure to meet you." Larence greeted. Travis then pushed me towards the doors. Aphmau opened them and opened up a cell. I sighed and walked in as she locked it behind me. I sat on the ground and looked at my surroundings. Larence, Aaron, Aphmau, and Travis all left and told Garroth to keep charge of my cell.

I wonder why they arent asking me questions. And why are they locking me up without any proof that Im a bad person...... wait... nevermind that.

I sighed and closed my eyes to try to sleep.
"This is going to be a long 'visit'." I mummbled low enough so Garroth didnt hear. Darkness then consumed me whole, letting me go into a dreamless slumber.

986 words

Song: Little Me - Nightcore

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