Chapter 5: New Friend?

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*K E Y*

(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(N/N) - Nickname
(A/N) - Assassin Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(H/L) - Hair Length
(E/C) - Eye Color
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/N) - Friends Name
(D/N) - Dog Name

As soon as Aaron and I got to Levin's and Malachi's house, Aphmau swarmed me with questions.

Oh. You must be asking on who Levin and Malachi are. They are Aphmau's 'sons'. Levin is the lord and Malachi is second in charge. Aaron told me this earlier today when he was cooking for me and (D/N).

"Woah, woah, woah, Aphmau. Hold your horses! I just walk into this place and your already swarming me with questions. Slow down. Breathe. And tell me a little at a time." I told Aphmau as I held her shoulders. She nodded.

"Okay... since we started all of this off on a rough start. I wanted to know where you were from and stuff like that." Aphmau grinned. I nodded slightly as she squealed in delight.

"Okay! So. Why did you come to Pheonix Drop in the first place?" She asked. My breath hitched.

"I came in search" I said awkwardly. Before Aphmau could say anything else, I heard a squeal and someone yell Garroth.

Aaron, Aphmau, Levin, Malachi, and I all ran out side only to see a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, Garroth, and a guy with brown hair and green eyes hugging.

"Yo." Larence said as he waved over at us. I waved back with a weird look.
"Uhm, who are they?" I questioned as I pointed over to Garroth and the other people.
"Oh. Thats Vlyad and Moon." Laurence answered. Moon and Vlyad released from the hug and waved at me. I waved back, again.

Aphmau, Levin, and Malachi all walked over to the three and started talking. Then it hit me.
"(D/N)!!!" I shouted. I then started to run back to my house.
"Wait what?" Aaron questioned as I was slowly fading from his sight.

I ran back into my house with Aaron following behind from afar. I looked around for (D/N) because I forgot to let him go out and do his 'business'. Suddenly, I felt something wet under my foot and I slipped.

I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for the impact, but nothing happened.
"That wouldve been a nasty fall." A guy said. I turned to go and look at him, but all I saw were lush green eyes. He had a red mask over his face, and blonde hair covering his forehead.
(My own OC)

"U-Uh... thanks." I said. He then helped me up. A few seconds later, Aaron came running through the door.
"Heh. Took you long enough." I spat.
"S... *pant* Shut up.." He breathed. I turned to talk to the guy that helped me, but he was no where to be seen.

-T I M E S K I P-

I was currently alone in my house. (D/N) was sleeping and everyone se finally left me alone.

What the hell is wrong with me? Im supposed to be killing the enemy. Not befriending them.

I punched the side of the couch in annoyance.

What am I doing!??!?

After debating on what to do, I stood and got a dagger out from under my bed. I walked out of my house and pulled my (F/C) mask over my face. I also put my hood over my hair so it wouldnt show. I strolled over to Donna's place and I apparently wasnt caught by the guards.

While sneakily climbing through the window, I was on high alert. I slowly crawled over to her bedroom and creaked open the door. I tip-toed over to her bed and towered over her.

Wow. Im surprised she hasnt woken up yet.


I stiffled a laugh as I took out my dagger. I stood there for a few minutes before I started to plummet my dagger into her chest. Her eyes shot open and widened in fear.
"W-WHAT AR-" I cut her off by covering her mouth with my hand.
"Hush. It will be faster if I dont have to hear your annoying voice." I cackled.

I ended up shoving a sock into her mouth as I stabbed her multiple times. My smile grew wider each time my dagger made contact with her bloodied chest.


I then heard the door swing open.


"Mom I heard noises an- M-Mom.?" A little wolf questioned. I smirked.
"Hm? Yip what a- DONNA!!!" A guy yelled.

Uhm... Im dead.

I gave them a peace sign and jumped out the window. I ran as fast as I can off into the woods. The guy was running after me and I had to get away fast. I jumped into a tree and started running from branch to branch.

I stopped a little later to get my breath back.
"Good..hes gone.." I sighed.
"Whos gone?" A familiar male voice asked me. I turned my head to the source of the voice and saw the boy that helped me earlier.

"Nobody." I lied.
"Are you sure? Because you seem out of breath." He asked.
"Yep. Im sure." I answered.
"By the way. Whats your name?" I questioned.
"Me? Oh Im Joey. Nice to meet you!" He let out a chuckle and held out his hand. I shoke it.
"Now. Whats your name? Because I know for sure that Yui isnt your name." He said matter of factly.

How did he know that 'Yui' was my name?

"Im.....(Y/N)" I answered caustiously.

He took off his mask and smiled.
"Oh! And can I ask you one other thing?" He said as he stuffed his mask in his pocket.
"Sure." I answered as I took off my own mask and did the same.
"Why are you all bloody?" He tilted his head.
"Uhm.... I killed a animal..?" I told him. He nodded.
"Alsoo..." He trailed off.
"Also?" I sat up.
"Hows Snickers?" He smirked.


1016 words
Song: Stressed Out Nightcore

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