Chapter 7: Where's Laurence?

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*K E Y*

(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(N/N) - Nickname
(A/N) - Assassin Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(H/L) - Hair Length
(E/C) - Eye Color
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/N) - Friends Name
(D/N) - Dog Name


"Hey Laurence?" I asked
"Hm?" He stopped walking and looked at me.

My one and only chance.

I spread out my arms and hugged him. He tensed up but soon hugged me back.

"I-I was so scared... When I heard a scream, I just r-ran..." I lied.
"Shh. Now now. Its ok, Im here now. Ill protect you." He soothed.

I slowly took out his sword and held it on his back.

"Sorry to do this but, things happen." I giggled.
"Wha-" I pierced the sword through his back. Tears started to fall stream down his cheeks.
"Y-Yui...W.. Why?" He choked
"Because I need the mulah for my future, so I need to end yours." I smirked.
"Your (A/N) arent you." he breathed
"The one and only" I retorted.

I twisted the sword further into his back. He gasped.

Why isnt he screaming or yelling?

An idea popped into my head and I pulled him towards a cave. His eyes widened once he saw what was in there.

"A E-end Portal... How d-did you get this?" He breathed.
"Why are you so calm? Anyways thats going to be your new home. Bai bai!" I laughed.
"Wait Yu-"
"Its (Y/N) stop calling me that jeez." I snapped.

"(Y/N)?" A guy questioned behind me.
I turned around and saw a guy with dark hair with two fox ears on his head. A fox tail swayed behind him and he looked at me with a shocked expression.
"D-Drake?" I asked.
"What in Irene? What are you doing!?" He yelled. He then rushed over to Laurence and took the sword out of his back.
"No. STOP! IF I CANT KILL LAURENCE, THEN ILL KILL YOU TOO!" I screamed. Tears started forming in my eyes.

Drake tried to stop me, but I pushed both him and Laurence into the Ender Portal.
"Such a reunion eh?" I sighed. I picked up Laurence's sword and cleaned it off.

I didnt want to do that so soon, but I have a job to do.

I stormed out of the cave and started to run towards the town.
"GUYS! GUYS ITS LAURENCE!!!" I yelled. Garroth and Aphmau came running to me with that girl from before.

I think Moon was her name...

"What is it Yui!?! Whats wrong with Laurence??" Aphmau asked.
"There was this guy, he had dark hair and it looked like he was a fox hybrid of some kind. He took Laurence into the End! I saw everything!" I breathed. Their eyes went wide.

"Do you know the guys name?"

Should I tell them?

I saw Joey in a tree behind Garroth, Moon, and Aphmau.
".....Im sorry... I dont, but I brought Laurence's sword." I sighed. Garroth takes the sword and falls to his knees.
"...Laurence..." he whimpered.

Wow... I didnt know that he cared that much...

Moon hugged Garroth and he just sobbed. I kneeled down to his level and hugged him as well in a way of comfort. He suprisingly hugged me back.

"Hey whats all the commotion?" Travis asked. I looked over at him and he gave me a weird look.

Continue to give me that look bud and I'll slap it off of yah.

"Well.... Laurence is..." I looked over at the bloodied sword, "missing somewhere in the End." I choked.
"The End? Oh my god." He looked confused yet angered.

*T I M E S K I P*

Aphmau wasnt taking this very lightly. She kept talking about something that happened to Garroth some years prior and tbat she didnt want it to happen to Laurence.

"I just wonder where in Irenes name did that End portal came from..." Aphmau thought out loud.
"Aphmau! Have you figured out who it was yet?" A familiar masculine voice yelled out.

I slowly turned around in fear to see that same guy from the night before.


"No Im so sorry Logan, but I will soon. And maybe Yui could help me out. Right Yui?" Aphmau replied as she looked over at me. I looked over at the so called Logan. He looked at me with the eyes of rage.

If looks coukd kill, I'd be 60 feet under right now.

"Uhh sure!" I exaggerated.
"Wait... You smell weird. Like blood and the scent I smelled last night." He growled while smelling the air.

What in Irenes name is this guy?!?! Is he a werewo- please in Irenes name have him not be a werewolf.

"You smell a whole lot like Laurence... and the stench of blood is all over you." He snapped. I looked over at Aphmau and she looked at me and Logan weirdly.

"Did..... Did you kill Donna?"

838 words
Song: Paper Crown Nightcore

Hey guys! So sorry for not updating in FOREVER. Ive been busy with school and the holidays including my birthday! Hopefully everyone had a goid Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or any other holiday. Cya!

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