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Thankyou everyone for puttung in entries and participating in my OC Contest. Everyone's OCs' were beautiful but of course I had to only pick one.

And the OC that I picked was..

Cade! From -CinderWolf12-

There is an image of Cade above if you want to see what he looks like.

Congratulations, I am excited to work with your OC.

Now dont worry, Im most likely going to have a couple more OC contests in the future!

Now here is my OC, Nyla.

Name: Nyla Atwood
Nickname: Kitten
Weapon: She has multiple daggers, but she doesnt use them that much.
Magik: She controls anything cold (ice, snow, wind, etc)
Hair color: white
Eye color: light blue
Skin tone: pale
Other: She is a fox and her ears and tail are white. Nyla isnt a real friendly person, but she is badass when it comes to fighting.


Other than that see you in the next chapter:

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Other than that see you in the next chapter:

Chapter 15: Them.

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