Chapter 4: Killing Game

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*K E Y*

(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(N/N) - Nickname
(A/N) - Assassin Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(H/L) - Hair Length
(E/C) - Eye Color
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/N) - Friends Name
(D/N) - Dog Name


Aaron is on my couch sleeping, so was (D/N). May I add that they were cuddling? Like Bro... MY dog. Not yours.

I mummbled under my breath as I walked to my kitchen counter and pressed a button. Once I did, a stash of weapons came into view and I took one of them.

It was like the dagger that Aphmau took from me, but the sharp end was like a razor. (/\/\/\/\/\)

I pressed the button again and the stash disappeared to where it once was. I slowly started walking towards the couch where (D/N) and Aaron were. I picked up (D/N) and sat him on his doggy bed next to the couch. He didnt wake up though.


I readied my dagger and held it high in the air.




The front door suddenly slammed open making me throw my dagger out the window.


I growled. Aaron woke up with a start and jumped off of the couch in a karate stance. (D/N) on the other hand was still asleep.

Is he ok?

I walk over to him and put my hand on his chest.



Aaron went to go take care of the person at the door, which was Travis. I just stared at (D/N) in shock.

"(D/N)?..." I whispered. I picked him up looking for any signs of life.

After I just got him....

I suddenly felt warm liquid on my hand. I looked at it.



It was blood.

I set (D/N) down carefully and stood up. I was beyond pissed and was going to kill someone.

"Aaron.." I growled.
"Hold on one second Travis. Yeah Yui?" He asked looking over at me.
"What the fuck did you do to my dog." I snapped.
"What do you mean?" Aaron asked again as he waljed over to me.

I clenched my fists and glared at him. He stopped in his tracks for a second, then started walking again.
"Since when did you have a dog Yui?" Travis questioned.
"Since last night. Now shut my door..." I whispered. He nodded.

Aaron kneeled down by (D/N) with a shocked expression.
"I didnt do anything I swear." He said.
"Yeah fucking right. YOU were the one who was cuddling him. YOU were the one who fed him. And of course YOU were THE ONE who FUCKING KILLED HIM!" I yelled.
"And now..... imgoingtokillyou." I mummbled.

"I-I what?" Aaron questioned.
"DIE!" I screamed as my dagger teleported to my hand. I tackled Aaron to the ground and attempted to stab him. He dodged.

Travis on the other hand was running in circles saying I told you so.
"SHUT UP!" I yelled. He was then blown across the room and got knocked out.

"How did you do that." Aaron asked from below me.
"You dont need to know. Now be a kind sir and die for me." I joked as I stabbed him in the shoulder. He cried out in pain. Aaron kicked me off and scramed to his feet.
"Zane was right... you guys are idiots!" I laughed.

He threw Travis over his other shoulder and ran towards the door. I ran after him and stopped the door from opening.
"Nuh uh uh.. You are staying here with me." I chuckled. Aaron looked at me with fear in his eyes as I stab him again in the chest.

"yui..." I heard him whisper. I ignored him.
"Yui." I heard Aaron say a bit louder.

I snapped my head up from the table giving myself a whiplash.
"Huh?" I yawned. I wiped the drool from my cheek and looked up to see Aaron holding (D/N) with a concerned face.

"Yui! I was calling your name for about 5 minutes now!" He shouted.
"Whoops....sorry." I answered as I stood up and stretched.
"Aphmau wants us at her house. Travis came earlier to tell us, well me since I was awake." Aaron explained as he put (D/N) down.

Was all that just a dream just now?

"Well I guess we should get going then." I said as I walked outside.

What a weird dream....

749 words

Song: Just a Dream- Nightcore

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