Chapter 17: Answers.

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*K E Y*

(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(N/N) - Nickname
(A/N) - Assassin Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(H/L) - Hair Length
(E/C) - Eye Color
(F/C) - Favorite Color



"I-i don't know!!" Zane squeaked.
I groaned aloud and looked over at Zane's battered and bruised body. Zeke scoffed as he took another sip of his coffee and turned a page in the book that he was reading. I studied Zeke for a second before my attention was pointed towards Zane once he started to shuffle around under the chains.

"Zane, my dear Zane... I don't want to hurt you, but you're making me. You should know about Aaron and his past." I cooed while grazing my hand down the side of his face. He jerked his head away and sighed.
"I know I should, but I didn't bother." I nodded and looked over at Zeke before looking back at the raven-haired male. Zeke noticed me and a sly smirk appeared across his lips.

"Then... You're just going to sit here until you figure out why." I snarled. Zeke came up behind me and dropped multiple piles of books in front of Zane.
"Enjoy~" I sang as Zeke and I walked out of the room.
"Yes I can because I just did. Bye bye Zane!" I giggled. I walked out of the dungeon corridor as Zeke followed closely behind. He shut and locked the door as Zane's chains snapped and freed him from being restrained. He quickly ran up to the bars of the jail cell and started yelling. I stopped walking and turned around to look at him.

"Oh hush up you big baby! Just find out the answers that I need and you can be free." I yelled. He slightly flinched and sighed before punching one of the bars and turning away to get his 'homework' done. I huffed and continued walking down the long hallway of the cellar to get back up into my old house.

Okay so what happened was that I was strolling throughout the forest where I found Zane. Another thing is, Zeke and I came across the old house that I used to live in with Joey. Memories flashed over my vision.

Flashback 9 years ago |age 10|

Joey and I were playing outside in the tire swing our dad made for us.
"Higher Jo! I want to touch the clouds!" I cheered. Joey smiled and pushed me higher on the tire swing.

Everything was happy. Innocent. Blissful. Then it came tumbling down.

A scream was heard and Joey abruptly stopped the tire swing from swinging.
"Mom?!?" He yelled out. Joey looked over at me with a concerned look and grabbed my hand.
"NN I want you to go hide. And dont come out no matter what." He spoke clearly as he looked straight into my eyes. I nodded and ran into the forest. Well, behind a nearby tree so I can see what was going on.

Joey stood up right away and ran into the house. I ran in after him and as soon as I reached the steps to the back door, the house went up in flames. My eyes widened and tears burst from my eyes.

"MOMMY! JO! GET OUT OF THERE!!" I screamed.
I sprinted up the steps and went to open the door, but it opened for me. Multiple guards with masks were seen with swords unshealthed. I stepped back and stared at the swords with pure terror. I watched as a red liquid slowly ran down the shaft of the blade, all the way to the tip, and fell off of the sword.

More tears fell from my eyes. I couldnt hear what the guards were saying but they made an agreement of some sort and quickly shealthed their swords. The one that opened the door reached out for me and swung me over their shoulder. I laid there lifeless. My mom and older brother were dead. Who knows where my father was. I looked at the back of the guards armour and saw the word 'O'kasis' before everything went black.

Flashback end

"Y/N?!" Zeke yelled out worriedly. I snapped into reality and quickly wiped my face of the tears.
"Dont ask Im fine. Bring Zane downstairs" I snapped.

Then thats what Zeke did and I followed and that leads up to the heated argument and and Zane were having.

I walked out of the back door and ran towards the forest. Before I could reach it, a portal popped up out of no where. It was rainbow on the outside with white and gold particles in the middle. I fell back with the sudden shock and my eyes slightly widened with the sight infront of me.

"I cant believe it... I never thought that I'd see you again." I gawked.

846 words
Song: End of a day VCR
^^ really for the flashback

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