Chapter 18: Danger

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Blah sorry for not updating recently, school really is pushing me to the edge lol. But enjoy. By the way, if you are an ARMY you should check out my book BTS Ones shots. I just started it and I believe that it will go far. Heh other than that, enjoy!

His orange hair slightly flowed along with the wind as his piercing glare met with my curious eyes.

"I never thought that I would ever see you again.. " My eyes continued to widen as the male stepped out of the portal completely. His tail swung from side to side as he looked around, angered.

"What's wrong? " I asked as I started to walk towards him.

"Nothing. It's just that you are in danger. " He looked back at me and studied my features.

"What do you mean that I'm in danger Kai? " I looked at my surroundings quickly before looking back at him.

"It's O'kasis. They've realized that Zane was gone. The found Joey, the guards have him captive. A lure to get you into the town. They are going to kill you Y/N" Kai's eyes showed concern as he came to me and hugged me tightly. I backed away from the hug and looked down.

No wonder I haven't seen Joey.. Damn it. He's always getting into trouble where I have to help him.

"I have to go and get him. Joey doesn't think. He will end up getting killed. You know him! " Kai's eyes widened as he shook his head.

"You can't- it's all the trainees and the guards ready to attack you. " He warned.

"I don't care. That's my brother. And this whole thing happened because of me. Not him. And if he gets killed- If my only family that I have left gets killed.. Then I don't know what I would do with myself. " Tears shed from my eyes as I squeezed my fists tightly shut.
"I- I have to save him. I have to go to O'kasis and save him. And in return they will get me... and Zane's head. " I quickly wiped the tears away as I turned to walk back to the old house. I gestured for Zeke to come and he followed along with Kai.

My blood boiled. Steam seeped out of both of my ears as I slowly made my way down to Zane's cell.
"ZANE!" I roared out. I heard a thump and the cell quickly came into my vision. He sat there with a book on top of his head and multiple books sprawled out around him. My eyes settled on his future and I pierced daggers into his soul.

"U-Uh Y/N I'm a-almost done with the- uh- research." Zane trembled as he spoke. I laughed.
"No worries. Your research and time here is done." I smirked. His eyes showed happiness as he sprung up to the cell door as Zeke walked over to it and started to unlock it.

"Its also the last day that you'll live.." I murmured. Zane walked out of the cell and up to me holding up his chained wrists.
"Ekeziel" I chanted. Zeke's body went white as he morphed into his beautiful katana state.

I gripped onto his handle and held the sword up as if I'm going to cut the chains loose. Kai backed away a few paces. Seems like Zane hadn't noticed him yet. I brought the sword up above my head then swung it downward. Everything went so slow. I split Zeke in half to make twin katanas and swiped each across each other making a 'X' cut which made Zane's head slide clean off. I huffed.

(Zane: Must...update...Facebook status.. -dead-)

"Ekeziel return." I chanted.

"YUUIIIIII" Someone screamed out. I grew alarmed and shot a look over at Kai.

"Kai did you let anyone see you?" I growled. He shook his head slowly as he crept up the stairs.

"YUUUUUUUUUUUIIIIIIIIIII" The girl screamed. I became annoyed and stomped up the stairs.

"Sorry, Ekeziel." I chanted once again. I ran out the doors and came face to face to Aphmau.

"There you are.." She scowled. I smirked and winked.

"The one and only. What made you make you r way all the way to me." I questioned as I leaned to the side and crossed my arms.

"Because ever since I heard that you killed Lucinda and Kawaii-Chan, I've been looking for you. How could you Yui... how could you?" She whimpered.

"Because it was my duty and I listen to what I am told. Now I have more important matters to attend to so if you don't mind-" I was cut off with a plasma ball shot at me. I quickly look up at Aphmau and glared.

"Listen here, I don't want to waste my time on you. My brother is in trouble and I need to go help him. Now leave me alone!" I yelled. Kai walked up to the back door and watched everything. Aphmau enchanted another spell and threw it at me. In return I swung Zeke and sliced the magical essence in half.

"Aphmau, listen. I don't want to fight you. Please go back to your village." I look at the short woman in her eyes. She huffs and nods her head to the forest, Travis comes out and they run off.

"I swear. She is so annoying..." I huffed out. Kai started clapping and walked out to us with Zane's head in his hand.

"Ekeziel." I chanted. He breathed out and fell to his knees as soon as he shifted into his human form.

"Sorry Zeke..." I held out a hand to him and he gladly took it as I pulled him up.

"Mistress, I need to recharge..." His face flushed slightly as I slowly nodded. I held out my hand as he knelt to one knee and kissed my hand. A light (f/c) aura surrounded us and his wounds healed immediately.

"There, now let's go. Kai come on." I ordered as Zeke stood straight and followed me into the woods, opposite of where Aphmau and Travis went.

Time skip 4 hours

I crouched down and told Zeke and Kai to be quiet as two guards walked by us on the path to the east gates of O'kasis. I waited until the guys were gone before I turned around and whispered the game plan to the idiots.

"Okay so this is what we are going to do. I'll be first to walk up with Zane's head in my hand. Zeke you will follow not too far behind and Kai is it okay if you stay hidden until I yell for you?"

"Yeah that sounds fine. Just don't get hurt." He worriedly stated as he hugged me.

"Don't worry I 'll be fine." I reassured. Kai nodded and held out Zane's head to me. I studied the dissembled body part for a moment before taking it into my hand. 

And to think I loved him...

"Okay Zeke lets go." I stood up and walked out of the shaded area to the pathway the guards once were on. I took a deep breath and looked over at the gate with a smirk.

"Who goes there?! You! Who are you?!" One of the guards at the gate yelled out.

"Aw, don't tell me you already forgot. It's me, the one and only, A/N!" I yelled out, "And I believe you are looking for someone, well rather something!" I slowly pull Zane's head out from behind my back and started laughing once the guard's gasps were heard.

"Code red! Code red! Alert the O'kasis militia immediately!" The messenger yelled out to another guard. I dropped the head and held my arms out by my sides laughing.

"Ekeziel come! Our fun is about to begin..."


Words: 1291

SOng: Courtesy Call- Nightcore

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