Chapter 20: Thank you.

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My eyes blinked open and I looked around. A dugeon? Maroon curtains draped over barred windows and seemed to be singed along the edges. The brick walls were most likely old especially with some worn down, seemed to be decaying for a while. Suddenly a loud slam was heard, maybe a heavy door being closed shut. Footsteps. They were coming closer. I took in my surroundings again. Old chains bound my wrists together and a very heavy one remained at my left foot, in which was attached to a bar coming out of the floor. How did this happen? Wait. Where was Zeke? Before I could yell out to my loyal companion, an all too familiar person stood in front of my cell. I looked at him and frowned instantly. If I could, he would be decapitated and all his limbs would be chopped to pieces.

"I trusted you." I snarled. The neko only laughed as he swung the ring of keys on his finger. He looked like he's been through a lot, specifying the fact that his clothes were in ruin. He only stared down at me until he stopped swinging the keys and plucked one out of the cluster. Most likely my key. He unlocked the cell door and walked in, but without saying anything.

"Kei?" Then without another word his body turned to mist and I was left there with my freedom so close, yet so far.

I stared at Ein with the best glare I could muster.

"Ein, we both know that's fucking impossible. Now let them go, or else." I snapped. He only shook his head and started walking towards me.

"That's where you're wrong. You had both of them in your grasp, and yet you let them go. You let them live. What ever happened to big, bad, Y/N who could kill anyone on sight? Oh my! Has our poor little killer gone soft?" He gestured his head towards what was left of Zane, "That means nothing. You still haven't completed your mission. I gave you time, I really did. But now it's just plain out ridiculous. I wanted them dead. Not alive, prancing around with the other weaklings in that god forsaken village. So, that being said. What will you do? Actually complete your mission that was given all those moons ago, or be a big wuss about the whole thing and let these two die." He crossed his arms over his chest and smirked as I stood there contemplating.

Sure I should just go and kill them, but something inside me was telling me not to. They never did anything wrong. Yet, if I don't do what Ein says, my only family and my childhood friend will be killed on the spot. Everything I've trained for. All those days and nights fighting until every ounce of strength in my body was gone. Going out with the guards to make myself better. Trying to make my family proud and their death not be in vain. All to be thrown away just because of the last of innocence within me is protecting two people? Two gods that deserved to die?

Suddenly the door was kicked down revealing the two themselves.

"Well, well, well, speaking of the devil." Ein looked over at me and flashed a crazed smile, "Go ahead. Finish the job." He spoke out. I looked at the couple and groaned in annoyance. Why am I like this? Looking down at Zeke and back up at Ein I smirked.

"My pleasure." I dropped the head and started at the werewolf, drilling the sickly sharp blade right into his stomach. His foggy eyes widened as his hands went straight to the wound as I roughly jerked Zeke out. Ein fell to the  ground and I looked up at Aaron and Aphmau, smiling.

"Your turn.~" I sang out as I lunged at them and managed to slash at the taller male, getting him right in his arm, as he tried to block my swing.

"Ezekiel!" The blade was easily pulled apart to a dual wielding blade as I knocked Aaron's arm away and stabbed him again in his chest. Aphmau jumped at me and pushed me away from her lover and pulled the weapon out of him, taking it into her own hands and ran towards me. Cute.

"Ezekiel~" I snickered, having the albino shift back into his original form and pinning the female to the ground.

"Keep her there." I ordered and he nodded. The poor girl started screaming and crying. Baby much? My eyes went back to the injured and sparked as I noticed he really wasn't in the best shape. But wait. Wasn't he dead? Didn't I kill him already a few moons back? No matter. I'll kill him once and for all. Time for the fun to begin.

I picked up a candle that was lit on the wall and crouched down next to the unconscious god. How pathetic. Why did he come back in the first place? To safe me? To kill me? Odd. It felt like something clicked in me, like the old Y/N was coming back. My adrenaline was pumping. My heart was pounding. I wanted this, I needed this for so long. A smile sketched across my face as I stood straight again and dropped the candle onto Aaron's back.

"See you in hell." I cursed under my breath. Screams and wails could be heard from Aphmau as her soul mate lay on the floor burning to a crisp.

"A/N PLEASE! STOP! I BEG YOU! I'LL DO ANYTHING!" She screamed out. I looked over at her and Zeke, chuckling slightly when I noticed that she stopped struggling.

"Anything eh? Ekeziel." I chanted. She speung to her feet quickly and started for Aaron's body before stopping. She noticed my smile, my face, my intentions. I didn't care. I wanted blood.

"Then die." I growed as my feet moved on their own towards Aphmau. She barely dodged me and ran to Aaron's aide. Silly girl. I ran after her with my sword ready. Just a little closer. Aphamu suddenly stopped and turned, swinging her sword and getting me across my torso down to my stomach. I winced and stumbled back a bit. That was unexpected. That was exciting!

I laughed out in awe and came at her again, chanting his name and crossing down on her body, an X mark visably seen through her clothes. Aphmau fell down to the floor and I jumped ontop of her, stradling her waist so she couldn't get up. Of course she tried to swing at me again, knicking me in my forehead. But before anymore damage could be done, I sliced her wrist clean off. Her screams could keep me going for days. I smiled wildly and leaned down against her body.

"Oh how I love hearing you scream." I slurred before siting up again and tracing blood across her cheek. "Let's finish shall we?" Her eyes widened as mine hooded over with desire. My time has finally come. I brough Zeke over and stabbed Aphmau in the chest, opposite side of her heart and sliced a nice, thick line over to her heart. But I stopped midway as I felt a piercing pain from my back, going through my body to my stomach.

"I'd rather you come with me bitch." Aaron spoke from behind me in a distant, raspy breath. Then a thud was heard and he was out. I looked down and noticed that his sword was in my stomach. Aphmau was quiet now. Blood loss. I stumbled as i stood up, struggling to take the huge, violet sword out from my abdomen.

"Ekeziel." I chanted. Zeke was quick to form back and pull the sword out of my body. My legs gave out from beneath me and went numb right as he did so. "Master!" Zeke dropped to the floor beside me and tried to press down on my open wound.

"D-don't bother. My fight is finished. The gods are dead. Zane is dead. Ein is dead. My job is done." I huffed, Zeke shook his head as some tears escaped.

"No! I won't let you leave me! Come on let's get to a medical cener to get you help!" He started to pull at my arms, which went limp as well. It was getting harder to breathe. I shook my head and looked up at the albino.

"Ekeziel. I release you." I announced with the little willpower that I have left. Zeke's eyes went wide before he stood straight and started to glow white. A glowig shell seemed to break away from him before he sat back down again with new tears falling from his eyes.

"Thank you." And everything went black.

1468 Words

The long waited end. Thank you for reading.

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