Chapter 16: I can't.

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*K E Y*

(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(N/N) - Nickname
(A/N) - Assassin Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(H/L) - Hair Length
(E/C) - Eye Color
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(D/N) - Dog Name


"...She isnt human."

I watched Cade and his movements. He seemed oblivious to the wound that slowly healed on Nyla's neck.

"Isn't his magik something to do with illusions?"
".... Then that must mean that shes just an illusion."

I put my bow away and walked up to him. I slowly took out my dagger and walked in a quicker pace to him. Sooner or later I was running, he seemed to notice that I was approaching all too late. I lunged into the air and landed next to him, which allowed me to easily pierce his temple.

I stood straight and took a few steps back. Cade looked shocked as he slowly looked down.
"Nyla..Im sorry I couldnt give you a family like you've always wanted. Im sorry I broke your promise."
The female shattered into shiny pieces of nothing as Cade fell to the ground.

"Was that necessary?" Zeke said as he walked up behind me.

"It was. Everything is necessary." I snorted as I roughly pulled the dagger out of his head.

I looked up and saw the horrified faces of Aphmau and Aaron. Well, really Aphmau. Aaron just stood infront of Aph protectively. I smirked and flicked my wrist to the side in a gesture of saying hi. Zeke walked over to Cade's body and kicked it to the side.

"Long time no see, Aphmau." I smiled.
"Why are you doing this?" She wimpered.
"Because I had a job to do. You guys fucked me over. I should've listened to Zane since the beginning!" I yelled. Afterwards I looked over at Zeke and nodded. He did so back.
"Yui.." Aphmau whispered.
"Arg! Stop calling me that! Ezekiel!" Zeke glew a bright white light and shifted into his beautiful katana form. A glint appeared in my eyes as a wicked smile appeared on my face.

My legs moved fast. Aaron got ready for me. He pushed Aphmau back and unsheathed his huge purple sword. I swung at him as he swiftly blocked me. He returned the swing and I quickly back stepped to barely dodge it. He moved his sword in a strange motion that made the air seem uneasy. I stepped back and kept my eyes on him.

"Y/N what are you doing?" A familiar voice called out. I stood straight, alarmed, and looked behind me.

Me and Ein have a past. Before Zane ever came into the picture, me, him, and Joey would always be together. Everyone would always pick on him and me and Joey would always protect him. But then Zane came along. Ein was no where to be seen.

"Oh my god..." I gawked

'Y/N no! Its not real!'


I twisted my body around just in time to block Aaron's mighty swing. I kicked his abdomen, which threw him back a few inches, and took one more look at where Ein once was. I blinked a tear from my eyes and yelled.


I charged at Aaron while splitting Zeke into double katanas. I started swinging furiously at him. Fire blazed in my eyes and my feet moved faster than Aaron could comprehend. You could see the fear spread throughout his face.

I spun around and jumped up in the air while pointing both of my swords to the left.

(Kinda how Levi kills titans)

I landed and continued spinning on my heel and front flipped to behind Aaron. I sliced an 'X' on his back and his groans could be heard as blood quickly soaked over the cut. He steadily twisted around and tried to cut me, but I blocked him with my right katana, which left the left katana free of use. I shoved the left katana  from underneath the two swords which had clashed together, right into his stomach.

I looked up at his face and saw how his once colored skin went dull. His eyes showed no existence and his arms dropped to his sides.

"Oh my god... No... AAAROOOOONNNN" Aphmau screamed.

(Season 1 amiright)

I slowly slid Aaron's lifeless body off of my blade and watched him roughly hit the ground. I looked over and saw Aphmau bawling her tears out while looking at Aaron. My syes went back on him, blood quickly pooled around him as his color faded more and more.

I swung my swords in the air to clean them off and shifted them back together.

"Ezekiel." I chanted.

Zeke appeared and lightly clapped.

"Good work M'lady." I nodded at him and stood up straight to look over at Aphmau.

"As much as I want to kill you right here and now, I cant. See you later hun! Zeke lets go." I panted. Zeke startes running off and I followed him.

Aphmau POV

"No... Aaron.." I whimpered as I walk over to his body and take hold of his bandana and sword.

"I will get you Yui... Even if its the last thing I do!" I yelled out while squeezing tightly onto Aaron's bandana.

Words: 879
Song: Shatter me- Nightcore


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