Chapter 13: What?

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*K E Y*

(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(N/N) - Nickname
(A/N) - Assassin Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(H/L) - Hair Length
(E/C) - Eye Color
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(D/N) - Dog Name


My eyes widened as tears threatened to fall. I didnt know how much pain you could get from something so little.

"Laurence.... Why." I choked. Blood came up and dripped from my mouth down to my chin.
"Y/N? Y/N!" Zeke yelled from his sword state.
"You killed so many people. And now its your turn." Laurence growled. I coughed up blood again.
"I-I'm sorry..." I wimpered.

I looked down with guilt bearing over my shoulders. I felt someone cover my eyes as a wind came hurling out of the skies. Once the hand was removed from my face, Joey was in my line of vision and Laurence was no where to be seen.

"W-where's Laurence?" I choked. He looked upset and picked me up bridal style.
"Don't worry about him. What you need to worry about is that bullet in your stomach." Joey scowled.

Joey then ran over to the nearest clinic.
"She was shot. Please someone help her!" Joey pleaded as he laid me down on one of the beds. A nurse came out from behind a curtain and went to work on my wound right away. She didn't even bother putting me to sleep, numb the area, nothing.

Joey POV

You could hear Y/N's screams for miles. I think that nurse wasn't doing anything right. I mean, aren't you supposed to put the patient under some type of drug, or at least numb the area that you have to work on?

"JOEY!" She screamed. I dropped the newspaper and ran to her side. Beads of sweat decorated her face. There were tears streaming down her eyes and she was trembling uncontrollably.

"J-joey... please help. I don't think that she is a nurse..." Y/N gasped. I looked over at the nurse and saw that she was slightly laughing, but it sounded like a dude.

"About time that you figured out who I was. Tsk.. idiots." The girls hair shrunk into a shorter haircut and turned into  dark purple, two fox ears came up out of the top of her-his hair. His body soon became more  buff and guy-like. His eyes then became a dark purple.


"I'm back~" Drake sang.
"No you're not." I snapped as I jumped out of the bed and kicked him into the wall. I unsheathed two twin (Sword) and slashed at him. He yelped and shoved me away. I dodged and punched him. He was stunned for a couple of seconds. Before he could move I drop kicked him and stabbed the (sword) into his head multiple times.
"No one gets up after I kill them." I growled.

Once I turned around, Joey looked at me with wide eyes.
"What?" I questioned.
"H-How are you able to do that in your condition?" He stuttered.
"It's called instinct." I giggled.

Thats when it hit me. I felt different all of a sudden. I looked over at Joey and he could see it too. There was a angered presence.

Zane slowly walked out from behind the curtain. He picked Joey up from the back of his neck and threw him out of the room. Zane then looked at Drake and smiled.
"Im so proud of you~" He swooned.

I looked at him as if he was crazy. He slowly started walking towards me while humming a tune. I dont know what it was, but it was freaking me out.
"Hm... How is my little killer?" He swooned. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. He stood right in front of me and stared at my profile.

He snakes his arms around my waist and lowly chuckled in my ear. It sent shivers down my spine.
"Your mine now~" He cackled/growled. I whimpered as he threw me onto the bed and pinned me down.

He ducked his head down to my neck and inhaled deeply before exhaling.
"Mmmm... You smell nice, I wonder if you taste the same.~" He lowly chuckled and licked his lips hungrily. Zane then started to lick down my neck.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" Zeke screamed as he barged into the room. Zane slowly got up and off the bed to face Zeke.
"What was that?" Zane sneered.

757 words
Song: Despacito Nightcore

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