Chapter 19: Blood Bath

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My magik surged throughout my body as I unleashed everything.

Everything to make sure I got my brother back and safe.

"Ekeziel!" I chanted. His presence soon became one with mine as did many times before. All of these imbeciles will pay for hurting me and capturing my brother. They will surely pay. I gripped onto Zeke's handle as I quickly dashed towards the first round of guards.

"Weak." I growled as I whipped my body around to slash another in half. Blood splattered all over me as the lifeless body fell limp to the ground. A wicked grin grew on my face as a guard looked at me with terrified eyes. Multiple bodies were littered around me along with massive pools of crimson surrounding each making it a practical blood bath.

The time is now, the time is here. Finally my loyal companion will have the crimson liquid splattered across his blade as the screams from the once innocent become music to my ears. Everything is coming together now. Everything will be chaos. Everything will be just how I like it. Chaotic.

A bothered laugh ripped away from my vocal chords, almost sounding inane or demonic. A breeze of wing passed about, having a chill to the touch. Her eye brows narrowed as wizards and witches came through the gates.

"You can't hold me back forever Garte!" I screamed. A few guards up on the wall looked at each other then back down at my spot. I spun in a circle and lunged into the air, landing on a enemy and killing them immediately. My legs straightened out slowly, bringing my body up with them. They think such measly humans can hold me back? No matter what they do, I will always be the triumphant coming out from the smoke. If I weren't strong, then I'd be dead by now. You can't expect to get what you want with being weak. You have to be strong to show people who's boss.

"Enough!" A few daggers spawn in the air and shoot out from a circle around me, killing four wizards from the original six left behind. My (E/C) eyes looked up at the wall and started to make a plan from scratch. I had to get inside, it wasn't a option I could push away. It had to happen.

"Kei, get on the inside and meet me in the palace." I called out to the meif'wa. I heard a few rustling leaves from behind me and assumed it was him doing what I had said. Strangely the waves of enemies had ceased and the guards from above the wall didn't have their eyes on me.

Third POV

Kei swung his sword again and struck down another guard. He looked over and saw Y/N running towards the gate. His eyes trailed up the wall and noticed the lever. With a slash of his sword, the last guard there was dead and his feet made their way to said lever.

"Here!" He yelled out as his hands gripped onto the lever and pulled the gate open. Y/N slipped through silently and ran into the city with Zane's head strapped onto her back. This of course caused a scene. Citizens gasped and watched the crazed female with a decapitated head on her back and blood all over her body run through town. It's not everyday you see something like this go down.

She ran through the city as the map slowly unfolded in her head. So many years she has been here, so many long nights and early mornings. It was all the Ro'meave's fault that she lost everything and now their going to take Joey away from her too? No. Not happening. Over her dead body. 

She suddenly barged into the guard head quarters and slipped her way into the dungeon where she over heard a few guards talking about where Joey is and what the plans were for him. SHe frowned to herself as she found the cell Joey was in, only to see that he wasn't there.

"Looking for someone?" Someone cackled from behind her. Y/N turned and gasped as her sight was quickly taken from her and she was no longer on her feet. Meaning someone picked her up and threw her over their shoulder.

"You do remember me right? Well, you should. I'm the reason why Zane liked you so much in the first place." Her teeth gritted together as her memories came back to her and she became more pissed off as time went by. 

"Ein." She growled. Where was Zeke?

"Ezekiel!" The female yelled out. She felt something shift, but Ein kept walking as yelling started.

"Y/N!" Zeke yelled out.

"Ein! What did you do to him?!" The wolf only laughed as a response and threw the girl onto the ground. He unfolded the blindfolds and quickly tied her up. How? Well, he got rope and bonded her wrists and ankles together. It did good. She couldn't get out of it. Y/N stopped struggling and glared up at the raven who was enjoying the show.

"What do you want." Y/N hissed.

"Well, since you did damage to our kingdom, we need more power. The needed power is within people that you have met and what you have yourself. All we need is the relic of Irene and Shad and we will give you Joey. If you were to refuse, you won't be killed, but tortured until you die and Joey will be executed in front of you along with Kei and Zeke." When he finished speaking, seven guards came by. Four were carrying Kei away and the other three had Joey unconscious and hung him up in a room across from where she sat. Kei joined him.

"So, Y/N, what will it be? Kill Irene and Shad, or watch everyone you care about be killed?" 


Word count: 937

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