Chapter 15: Them

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*K E Y*

(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(N/N) - Nickname
(A/N) - Assassin Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(H/L) - Hair Length
(E/C) - Eye Color
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(D/N) - Dog Name

No one POV

Y/N and Zeke made their way through the forest and found themselves at the gates of Pheonix Drop. Dante pranced around ontop of the walls and stopped dead in his tracks once he saw Y/N and Zeke.


Before Dante could warn the other guards, Zeke transformed into his sword form and was chucked at Dante. His tip pierced Dante deeply where his rip cage was, grazing against where his heart is. He started gasping for air as he placed his hands on the handle of the sword and pulled it out of his chest. Y/N watched Dante as he threw Zeke and fell to the ground. She smirked and walked towards the gates and kicks them open.

"Ekeziel get your ass down here."

He immediately appeared by Y/N's side and took out another hankerchief to rid himself of the blood.

"P-please.... Sto-" Dante tried to speak but he soon fell over and passed out.

"P-please, stop them~" Y/N mocked.
She and Zeke kept walking further into the village. Then they arrived.

The air went cold and all the animals and sounds around them silenced. There was a female with long white hair and ears sticking out from the top of her head. Her clothing looked foreign and her eyes showed death. She looked beside her and a boy that was taller than her was walking out from behind a tree. He had blonde hair and striking grey eyes. His aura showed death as well.

"Wow we actually found someone who can be as powerful as us. Heh, about time." Y/N scoffed. The two a feet infront if her looked at eachother then back at her.

Zeke POV

Right when I was about to summon my sword, everything around me got dark. Millions of voices overpowered my head and made me want to scream.

"Wh-what is this.." I choked out. I reached my hands up to the sides of my head and took fistfuls of my hair and kept them there. My legs gave out and I fell to the ground screaming in agony.


"Zeke! Whats the matter with you? Zeke? Zeke!" I tried to get his attention but to no avail would he listen.
"Tsk. Fine. I'll do this myself." I growled.

I looked over to where the albino and the blonde was but only the male was there. He was staring intently at Zeke.

Mind magik? No...

I was rudely pushed out of my thoughts when something cold touvhed my leg. I shot my head down and saw ice slowly making its way up my leg.


No Ones POV

Y/N became distracted while trying to get Nyla's ice off of her leg. Nyla took this time to nod at Cade and he nodded back. Nyla then lunged over in Y/N's direction for an attack. Right when Nyla was about to swing her fist at Y/N, Y/N broke free of the ice and kicked Nyla in the face.

Nyla fell back and Cade released Zeke from his spell to back up for Nyla. Y/N looked down at her and saw that she was out cold.
"Wow... All I did was kick her. Such a weakling.." Y/N laughed.

Before Cade could leave a finger on Y/N, Zeke jumped up and threw Cade. He went flying back. It seemed that Zeke VS Cade would most definitely end up with Zeke winning. As said, Cade huffed in annoyance and ran up again. But this time he only went up to get Nyla's body.

Y/N quickly picked up her bow that was hung around her shoukder to her waist and loaded a arrow. She pulled aling the plastic feathers and aimed the arrow at Nyla. She let go if the arrow and it pierced Nyla right where her left lung would be.

"NYLA!" Cade yelled. Y/N was about to start laughung before her face became awestruck. No blood what so ever came from the wound as Cade quickly pulled the arrow out. Her wound was white and shined brightly. It looked like that Cade didn't notice but Y/N and Zeke surely did.

"...She isnt human."

Words: 746
Song: Bts Not Today - Nightcore

Hey guys! Im so sorry for not updating in a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time. Its just that Ive been really busy with the end of the first marking period and all of these holidays coming up. Trust me, I know over-worked and exhaustion 10x by now lmao. Anyways. I hope you enjoyed the chapter- again sorry for the short chaoter and not updating in a while. Bye!

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