Chapter 2: Jail Time

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*K E Y*

(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(N/N) - Nickname
(A/N) - Assassin Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(H/L) - Hair Length
(E/C) - Eye Color
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/N) - Friends Name

Garroth POV

I watched Yui as she slept. Dante disappeared. He was here with me, but he literally disappeared.

I stood from the bench I was sitting on and walked over to the cell. I looked at Yui. Her (H/L) (H/C) hair looked really soft. I hadn't realized that she was awake until she said something.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer." She retorted.
"O-Oh...sorry I-I didn't know y-you were awake..." I stuttered, a light hue coming onto my face.

Damn, why all the stuttering!?!

"OK Ms. Stutter Princess. Now, let me out and you won't get hurt." She warned.
"And w-what makes you t-think that I'm going t-to do that?" I snapped, well tried.
"Because if you don't I will hurt that pretty face of yours." She growled.

My pretty what?

"What did you just call my face?" I asked. Her face became red when she realized on what she said.


Omg I didnt not mean that!! Man!!

I was about to explain before Laurence, Aaron, and Aphmau all came through the front doors.

Thank god.

"Yo. Garroth, what are yoy doing by her cell?" Larence questioned, glancing at me and Garroth weirdly.
"I was going to start asking her questions, but since you guys are here, we can do it together." Garroth explained as he walked over to them.

Aphmau walked infront of my cell and looked down at me.
"Why did you try to hurt Dante?" He asked.

I am dead.

"What are you even talking about?" I sighed.

Lets hope she can be fooled...

"Im talking about what Travis told us. He said that you had a dagger, this one to be exact, leveled up to Dantes neck." Aphmau stated as she took out my dagger.

Thats where it went...

"I have no clue what you mean, I have never seen that dagger in my life." I lied.

Mah babeh... sowwie

"Seriously? You havent seen this?" Aphmau asked once again, looking at the dagger slightly confused. She started to inspect the dagger. Her eyes widened.

"This dagger belongs to (A/N)...." She gasped. Aphmau then looks at me.
"Are you (A/N)?" Once she said this, the boys started to unsheath their swords.


"WHY WOULD YOU ACCUSE ME OF SOMETHING SO....SO....... uhmm... RUDE!! IF I WAS (A/N) YOU ALL WOULD BE DEAD RIGHT NOW!!" I yelled. Aphmau stepped back from my sudden outburst.

"Im so sorry for being mean... I guess Ill have to talk to Travis..." Aphmau stated. She unlocked my cell and untied the ropes around my wrists.

Note to self: Travis is the first to go.

"Nah, its ok. You believed me in the end right?" I said, giving her a fake smile.
"Ok good. Now, would you like to live here in Phoenix Drop?" Aphmau invited as she gave the dagger to Aaron.

"Sure!" I cheered

Plan B is in control! Now... my blades must wait a little longer until red is splattered across them. The time is near.

558 words

Song: La Da Dee - Nightcore.

Sorry its short..... I have a lot to do andddddd yeahhhhh. But I did make the chapter right? Heh... Anyways I hoped you enjoyed!


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