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Third POV

"John, John Watson!", Mike Stamford yelled as he saw one of his oldest friend walking in the park. John saw the man walking up to him but didn't recognize him.

"Mike Stamford, we were in Bart's together", Mike held out his hand and John quickly recognizes the man and grabs his hand "Yes, of course, sorry"

They later caught on chatting about Mikes job and John's fatal injury during the war.

"Why don't you get yourself a flatmate", Mike suggested

John laughed "Come on mate, who would want me as a flatmate"

"You know you the second person who has told me that today"

"Who was the first?", John asked.

Those four words had completely changed John's world for the better. He had met the brilliant Sherlock Holmes the worlds only consulting detective that same day and move in with him the next day. John's life had been completely amazing with Sherlock, his limp was gone, his nightmares were almost gone.

John knew that he wasn't as smart as Sherlock but even he caught Sherlock staring at John's butt. There have been many occasions where they would both stare at each other for a long time and both men would lean in. But Mrs Hudson or Lestrade would always had to ruin the moment. Both of them would completely ignore those occasions, even though it would pained them.

One very boring day at Baker Street, Sherlock and John were trying to keep each other busy. They tried monopoly but neither of them knew how to play, then it was chess, obviously Sherlock won. The worst happened when they played Cluedo, Sherlock called John a idiot and meant it. John called him a child and ran upstairs to his room.

"Where are you going?", Sherlock stood watching John curiously.

"To bed", John rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"At 6:25 in the afternoon", Sherlock checked the clock in his phone.


"Why?", Sherlock walked closer to John.

"Because I've had enough of you for a day", John responded harshly without looking back at the broken man sadden face.

Sherlock didn't respond back to John's words, but the guilt was over taking him. Ever since he laid eyes in John he felt this odd strange feeling. He felt as if he had to prove himself to John, so every time John would compliment him, he felt like if he was winning John. Sherlock never was a man that has thought of sympathy or even of a relationship but John Watson just might be his exception.

Caring is not an advantage brother mine.

Sherlock could practically hear Mycroft, saying his favorite quote. John was more than just a crush, Sherlock Holmes was in love with his blogger. He has experience a crush before with Victor Trevor, a uni friend, and that ended horrible. With John, there was a sudden spark when they would touch hands, fingers or shoulders. Sherlock had to do everything to win John Watson, win John Watson's heart. He would start with a date. It has been two hours since John went to bed, but John never goes to bed this early.

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