More than a Honeymoon

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"How long are we staying in New York", John sat in his sat, looking out the window.

"Um, well we will stay there for four days and then we will go to San Antonio for a little surprise", Sherlock wrap his arm around John giving him a light kiss in the cheek and rested his face against his neck.

"What could possible be in San Antonio? Its in Texas, right?", John questioned him, but was more consetrate in his husband breathe on his side of his neck.

"Yes it is in Texas and I guess you'll just have to go and see", Sherlock said in between the light kisses he was placing in Johns neck.

"Such a tease you know that", John placed a kiss on his forehead he unwrapped Sherlock arms and kiss his wedding finger, intertwining their fingers together.

They both smiled at each other, the plane soon took off, but they never let go of each other, their hands were always interlocked. It was almost impossible for John to enjoy the seven hour plane ride with his hyperactive easily bored husband. By the fourth hour he managed to put a sleeping pill on Sherlocks drink, it knocked him out almost instantly. John slept only for two hours and was woken by the fight attendant.

"Excuse me sir, but we have landed", the nice flight attendant said softly not trying to startled them.

"Thank you ma'am", John smiled

The lady excused herself and John got out off his seat to stretch and got his luggage that was above them. Sherlock was still out by the pills, John chuckled, he decided to wake up Sherlock in the best way possible. He leaned closer to him and pressed a light sweet kiss on Sherlock's lips, soon Sherlock woke up smiling wanting more.

"Hello, sweetheart, come on, let's get off the plane", John grabbed his hand and tried to get him off his ass.

Sherlock groaned sleepily "No, five more minutes", he shook his head and yanked his hands back.

"Five more minutes will turn into twenty minutes, come on the flight attendants want to go home", John grabbed both his hands and tried to pulled him off his seat.

"Who cares about them", Sherlock said rising from his seat.

"Everyone but you, I know", John chuckled, pulling one of Sherlock's arms around his neck and his own arm around Sherlock's waist to balance him. Sherlock whispered something but it didn't sound intelligent, so John ignored him, they were both trying to walk, but Sherlock struggled. All three flight attendants saw what was happening and asked John if they needed an ambulance. John looked at his husband, his eyes were barely opened, he keep slurring his word, and he couldn't walk, something was wrong.

"Yes, please", John thanked the girl and sat Sherlock in the nearest seat, he tried to sit him up, but Sherlock keep falling back. The stretcher soon came, John followed the paramedics to the ambulance. They were asking him what he took on the plane, the only thing he took was the pills.

"He might just be having an allergic reaction to the pills, but we will have to keep him a day just in case", the paramedic looked at John sadly.

"That's alright", John held Sherlock's hand through the whole way.

When they got to the emergency room they had to move him to a room, cause Sherlock was sweating like crazy.

"Jesus,Sherlock can you hear me?", John gently shook him, before he could say something else he was removed by two male nurses. All he could do is wait until the doctor came back.

Three hours later the doctor came back with a smile and a file in his hands.

"Mr. Watson-Holmes?", he asked

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