We're Fine

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"Sherlock Watson-Holmes, get our daughter out of the sink, god knows what chemicals you'd dump in here", John rubbed his temples. He had just come from work to see his six month old daughter cover in some blue liquid and was placed on the sink.

"And what the hell is she covered in?", he yelled, Sherlock was nowhere to be seen, which angered him more, he was suppose to look after Jocelyn. He picked up Jocelyn from the sink, he saw a towel and grabbed to clean up his daughter, she giggled.

"Where's your daddy Joc, huh do you know? Cause hell knows I'll kill him if I find it him first" he kept a smiled for his daughter while threatening him husband, knowing that she understood nothing.

John escalated up the stairs with his daughter in his arm, he saw the lights were on from his daughters room. The door was slightly open, John opened it slowly holding Jocelyn tighter "Sherlock?", he asked, he sneaked his head inside the too to catch a woman figure her back turned to him.

She had light-brown wavy hair, going all way down to her waist, she looked strikingly familiar.

"Anastasia?", he whispered in disbelief.

She turned around with a huge smile on her face, her light blue eyes doze upon him "Johnny! How I've missed you", she ran to him and hugged him.

"What are you doing here, last time I saw you, you were in Italy", he laughed, he held her tightly with his free hand.

They pulled apart "Yes I was, but know it's time to come back to England, besides I've missed my big brother. How you've been-"

"Wait no, what did you do to Sherlock, Anastasia?", he took a step back

"Oh nothing, I just put him down for a bit", she laughed innocently.

"Why?", he sighed in annoyance.

Anastasia Russo is John's half sister, after his parents divorced John's mother, Jocelyn, married Giancarlo Russo, an Italian architect. Then they had Anastasia, she is five years younger than him, ever since she was little she has been known to be a troublemaker, and a total bitch to the people she hates. John loved her either way so did Harry, but after John left for the army, Anastasia wasn't her anymore, she acted more like a bitch then usual. After she graduated secondary school she left for Italy to become a fashion designer, but in the middle of that she caught up with the wrong people. The entire family lost contact with her for years, well until now. When John saw his sister, he couldn't be happier, but he knew that it wasn't good.

"Because I need to talk to you and I knew your husband wasn't going to let me in after what happened", she smiled wickedly.

John frozen "After what happened? Anastasia what did you do?", John asked in a threatening tone.

"Um... well you see, I was the one responsible for your husband's kidnapping six months ago, so how's married life?", she spoke fast not looking at him and quickly changed the conversation.

"You WHAT! Why the fuck would you do that, you bitch", John ran downstairs as he landed he put Jocelyn on her play pen and ran to their room.

Sherlock was lying on the bed with his goggles on and the same blue liquid that Jocelyn had on her. John check for a pulse, it was steady, thankfully.

"Anastasia, get out!", he yelled from the room, she came in the room with a frown.

"But why!?", she gave him his puppy eyes.

"Because you kidnapped and beat my husband and then you drugged him, that's why", John grabbed her by the elbow and walked her out of the room and they stopped at the door.

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