Happy Months

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"Sherlock could you make your self useful and actually help me", John growled, he bend down to grab more of Jocelyn's toys that laid in the kitchen.

"John can't you see that I am busy with an experiment", Sherlock gave him a 'duh' look.

"I don't care what you are doing, help me with Jocelyn, I can't do it by myself in pregnant, Sherlock", John gave him a hard stare that Sherlock ignored.

"You are using that as an excuse more often now, just because you are pregnant doesn't mean that you can do things by yourself", Sherlock fought back dumping some odd liquid in the sink.

"Yes I fucking does, I'm three months pregnant, I have to take care of myself and Jocelyn and you. So please Sherlock at least make an effort to look after Jocelyn, play with her or something, please", John gave him a sympathetic tone and his puppy eyes.

Sherlock sighed heavily and through his head back in defeat, "Fine, fine I'll look after her", he threw her gloves off along with his gloves and sat down on the floor where Jocelyn was playing with the barbie dolls.

"Thank god", John spoke in a relief tone, and continued to pick up Jocelyn's toys.

By the time he finished he was exhausted, his knees where killing him and his feet ached. Just six more months,Yay.

John came back downstairs to find Sherlock and Jocelyn sleeping on the couch. Jocelyn had a tight grip on Sherlock's shirt and her other hand carrying a Barbie doll. Sherlock placed one hand on her back, and the other one had, Ken barbie doll, he had a strong grip on that doll.

John quickly got his camera and took two pictures. He laughed, Sherlock wont be happy when he finds out about this picture.

John had taken advantage and started on dinner, he was making chicken with green beans, that was the only meal Sherlock would actually eat.

Then his phone rang. Harriet.

John sighed in annoyance, but still answered.

"Harry?", John quickly responded.

"Hello John, sorry to bother you, but I'm calling cause I have a surprise", her voice sounded too excited.

John frowned, "A surprise? Last time you sounded this happy its cause you got laid by your crush", John giggled.

"John please shut up and act your age, no but seriously I have a surprise", she chuckled.

"Okay okay, what is it?". John was actually interested, be was hoping that she was finally of the booze.

"I'm going to be a mommy!", he yelled in excitement.

John froze, "What? How? Harry you can't even make children", he yelled in a whisper.

"I know that, but I've been of the booze for three years and I contact several orphanages and they said that I could adopt a child".

"Poor child", John mumbled.

"I could say the same about your child", she laughed in a tough tone.

"Excuse me my child is perfectly fine, and actually I have another one on the way", John said softly, he looked down at his growing belly and rubbed circles around it.

"Are you serious, that's is great, how far along are you?"

"Barely three months", John spat.

Harry laughed, "Oh poor you, don't worry six months pass by quickly", she said in her motherly tone.

"Yeah I know, I don't think I want to have more though", John went back to the chicken that was cooking in the oven.

"Why not, you make cute babies", she asked.

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