His Turn To Break

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"So now what? Do we go back to London?", Sherlock asked. John picked up his head from the menu. They were now at IHOP getting breakfast.

"No, I don't want another honeymoon to go down the drain", he reached out for Sherlocks hand and rubbed his thumb against his hand.

Sherlock nodded, "Ok but then your not going to have fun, like drinking and you're going to be constantly vomiting. It won't be fun for you, John", he grabbed John hand and kissed it lightly.

John knew that he was right, but this would be good for them. "I know but in nine months there going to be another child in our lives, love. Our schedules are going to be tighter than before", he shook his head knowing that it would be hell.

Sherlock chuckled, "Yeah that's true, what do you think it's going to be this time?", he said curiously staring at John's stomach.

"I honestly don't really care, as long as it only one baby and it's out of me as soon as possible", he groaned, his attention now back to the menu, deciding that he would get the pancakes with eggs, sausages, and hash brown as a side order. He got a big meal because Sherlock always picks the same as John does.

"Is it too soon to be having mood swing?", Sherlock pushed.

"Watch it", John earned giving him a glare.

Sherlock only laughed at his face he was making, soon they ordered and Sherlock got the same as John, like always.

"Where do you want to go after this?", Sherlock asked as he took another sip of his coffee, he hard barely touched his food.

"I honestly don't know, I guess we'll have to check Las Vegas main tourists attractions. Obviously we can't gamble nor drink", he responded not quite happy that he had to eat and that he couldn't gamble.

"Sherlock please, we just find out we are becoming parents for the second time, at least try to act happy", John rolled his eyes, he was hurt that Sherlock wasn't as exited as John was.

Sherlock frowned, "John of course I'm happy, I couldn't be more excited, I just really don't want to eat", he pouted crossing his arms like a child.

John rolled his eyes, "Please Sherlock at least try to eat the eggs, I beg you".

Sherlock thought about it, he was going to end up eating something anyways, John wouldn't let him leave the table unless he ate something.

"Fine", he spoke frustratedly.

John grinned, he always won when it came to this. He side eye this couple that was looking at them, they were giggling.

He head them whisper.

"Is that how we are?", he boy asked the girl in a low whisper.

He girl nodded her head, "I guess so, we wouldn't be like that if you would just eat for once", she turned serious.

"Hey, you know that I have a fear of food", he pointed at her with his finger.

"Just because you choke on everything doesn't mean you should stop eating", she giggled.

"Yes it does, food hates me", he pouted just like Sherlock would.

"Food doesn't hate you, you're just clumsy, now start eating we have to go to my mom's", she pushed his plate towards him.

"God kill me, I rather choke on this food and die, then go to your mothers", he poked his food.

She threw him a bit of her scrambled eggs and landed perfectly on his hair.

John laughed at the young couple, and went back to his plate.

John made sure that Sherlock had eaten enough to last until lunch. Sherlock kept cursing under his breath, and John pretended not to hear any of it.

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