J. E. W. H

432 16 4

9 months

"Sherlock I think you should go", John suggested as Sherlock helped him sit on one of the kitchen chairs.

"No, who is going to help you move around, Mrs Hudson is out of town this week", Sherlock started getting the milk and eggs out of the fridge to make John breakfast.

John rolled his eyes at him "Sherlock this might the last case you will go to without a child in your arms, go now", John pointed to the door angrily.

John knew how important his job is to him "Wait... you'll let me take her to cases", Sherlock gleamed ignoring the eggs.

"Well yeah of course, I will have no other option but to let you", John laughed knowing that one day a little girl will come home telling him all about the case they solved. Sherlock kissed John's forehead and looked at him carefully.

"Are you sure? The baby is due in two weeks and the due date is never accurate", Sherlock flip the omelet that he made for John and put it on the plate and passed it to John along side with milk.

"Sherlock you're talking to a doctor, I know what happens during pregnancy, please dear just go to to Lestrade I'll be fine I promise", John promised with trusting eyes.

Sherlock hesitated, but couldn't help the feeling that he was right this might be the last case he would show up without a baby in a carrier.

"Ok fine, but promise me that if you're in trouble you would not hesitate on calling me", Sherlock ran around trying to find his coat and scarf.

"Alright I won't I promise", he promised again, Sherlock smiled at him again.

"Thank you, I love you", Sherlock kissed him quickly and said goodbye.

There was traffic even at nine thirty in the morning, the fresh humid air of London, it was at freezing temperatures since it was January. The baby got many presents for Christmas even though she hasn't been born yet, everyone already loved her.

He caught a cab and it set off to the crime scene near parliament.

"There you are, I was thinking you weren't coming because of the baby", Lestrade patted his back leading the way.

"John insisted I should come", Sherlock informed.

"Alright well, we have two murdered men shot in the head, no weapon found, the camera system hasn't picked up anything", Lestrade informed.

"How far have you searched for the weapon?", they both stopped at seeing the two men lying dead on the floor.

"About three blocks", Lestrade knelt down to see more clearly.

"Go farther than that, either he kept the gun or he threw it somewhere far. We won't know until we have camera surveillance", Sherlock knelt down as well to inspect the wounds.

"Two girls found them about an hour ago", Lestrade claimed.

"Mmm well I-"


"Get on your knees, now all of you!", the man shot fire twice in the air. Everyone did as they were told.

"Hand me all of your phones, put them in the bag, now!", the man tossed one of the female cops a large black bag.

Sherlock looked at Lestrade they were both frozen in place, Sherlock had to have his phone. What if John called? He would be in so much trouble if he didn't answer, fuck.

The bag came to him, he hesitated "Hurry the fuck up man", the gun pointed the gun to his head. He had no choice but to drop the phone in the bag.

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