One More Miracle

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After dinner they decided to take a stroll in the park, they were holding hands as the cold breeze hit their faces.

"When will we talk, we don't have to right now, I just wanted to know", Sherlock kept his head down scared if he looked up he would see John mad once more.

John laughed "How about now, while we are here we can talk, it's a beautiful night, why not?", he shrugged, he could feel the knot in his chest forming.

"Really?", Sherlock raised an eyebrow, "because I can see that you aren't ready to tell me at all", Sherlock deduced his distressed husband.

John chuckled nervously, "Sherlock I'm never going to be ready to tell you what I'm about to tell you, never okay, its very sensitive stuff ", John sat them in a bench near them, and held a stronger grip on Sherlock's hand.

"Oh... I suppose that many of those things involved you and your sisters", Sherlock spoke softly, giving John a side eye.

"Yeah, the reason why me and Harry don't get along, is because of those things", he ran his fingers through his hair, "well its not that we don't get on its just we haven't talk about things like we should've" .

Sherlock didn't respond he didn't have words of comfort for him, he tried to think of something but nothing came to mind.

"So ask away", he patted Sherlock's knee playfully to lighten up the mood.

He cleared his throat "Are you sure?".

"No, but I have to do this, because I want this marriage to work", John mumbled.

Sherlock hesitated, "What made you and Anastasia so close enough for you to choose her over me", he said cold manner, he regretted that tone.

"First of all, I never chose one over the other, second of and my sisters never had it easy really", he stop to think of how to continue in putting the words delicately.

"Did you're step dad hit all three of you?", Sherlock asked.

John laughed weakly, "Ha I wish, at least he would've know we were there", he let go of Sherlock's hand and rubbed his palm in his thighs to get the sweat out.

"So then... you were neglected by your parents", he said slowly.

"Yes, the only time they would pay attention to us is when they would pick us up from uncle Jeremy's house", he fell silent at the say of the name.

"Uncle Jeremy then, it was him who hit you three", Sherlock turned to his husband to find him shivering, he pulled him to him closer for comfort. He wrapped his arm around John's neck.

John nodded, "He would take care of us all weekdays and all summer, until our parents would pick us up. Apparently they were too busy to take care of us", he sniffled.

Sherlock held him closer and closed his eyes thinking of the horror they went through.

"Me and Harry always knew we were homosexuals, always, and as soon as Uncle Jeremy found out he locked me and Harriet in the attic, to 'straighten' us out. He left us there without food and water. He let us out a week later and told the school we caught the flu. Anastasia was old enough to understand what was happening but Jeremy told her if she said anything that he would cut her tongue out for telling lies".

"John...", Sherlock was speechless he couldn't form out words.

"That's why I always denied that I was gay, because I'm afraid that he would come back and do it again", he snuggled closer to Sherlock, trying his hardest not to cry in public.

"I understand, dear", Sherlock whispered, he kissed his forehead making John smile.

"When Harry graduated she promised us that she would come back for us, but she never did", John laughed weakly and looked up to see the stars.

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