Our Miracle

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No no no no this cannot be happening, not now not when Sherlock's is in this state.

He felt more nauseous than before, John threw his head inside the toilet, feeling the rest of his dinner come up.

"John come out please, I'm taking you to the hospital", Sherlock banged on the door and shook the door knob, trying to go get in the restroom. He kept banging on the door, it was making John dizzy and more nauseous.

"Sherlock stop, I'll come out, but I'm not going to the doctor", John started to brush his teeth to get the awful taste of vomit out of his mouth.

He stared at himself in the mirror, thinking of all the bad things that would happen. If they keep the baby, he cleared those thoughts. He stepped out of the restroom, he was startled when two hands were placed on either side of his cheeks.

"Are you ok? Come on we're going to the doctor", Sherlock grabbed his hands and lead them to the door.

John rolled his eyes and yanked his hand back, he dropped his whole body down to the couch, he covered his face with his face. He could feel his husbands cold stare watching him, he ignoring him.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong or what?", Sherlock through his hands in the air frustratedly.

"You remember the night when you returned from the hospital, we 'celebrated'", John recalled with his hands still covering his hands, somehow Sherlock understood what he said.

"Yeah what about it", Sherlock paced angrily not really comprehending what was going on.

"Really? The most observant man in the world and you can't tell what's wrong with me", John complained, closing his eyes and sighed.

Sherlock sat down in his chair and closed his eyes and put his hands under his chin, John was honestly shocked that it took him this long, Sherlock jumped out of his sit in realization. He studied John carefully to make sure, he was correct.

"How do you-"

"Restroom", John pointed to the restroom.

Sherlock ran the the restroom, he looked around the and found the pregnancy test, positive.


He sank to his knees, feeling warm tears roll down his face. I'm going to be a daddy, Jesus this can't be real. He rose and walked out with a huge grin on his face "Seriously? Are you kidding?", he held up the test and sat down on the floor next to the couch.

John didn't see the smile "Sadly, no", John sat up removing his hands from his face, Sherlock looked at him confusingly "In the hospital that I work in I know doctors that could help us get rid of it", John felt empty but yet full of guilt just by thinking of killing a baby, he wish he could keep it.

Sherlock didn't understand, John didn't want the baby, but they both always wanted a family, this is always been a topic.

"Why?", Sherlock hiccuped, he put his knees up to his chest.

"No no no no don't cry we could always have more later. I just want you to feel better", John left the couch and untangled Sherlock's position to climb on him.

"No, I want this baby", Sherlock ran his hands under John's shirt to feel his stomach, John grinned sadly.

"I want this baby also, but your sick we can't have a baby not until you are better", John removed his lovers hands and kissed them, Sherlock broke into a fit of tears pulling John into a hug. John wrapped his arms around his neck, he stroke his hair gently while Sherlock was taking fistful grips John's shirt.

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