They Are Okay

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"Sherlock, wake up", John gently shook his husband.

It was around six in the afternoon, and they needed to start getting ready for tonight.

Sherlock slowly opened his eyes to meet his husband's. The sunlight instantly hit him, and shut them close in pain.

"No, just a few more minutes", he rolled over to the other side, his face landing on the pillow.

John sighed, "Ok fine, but as soon as I'm done in the shower your next, got it", he threw the sheets of off him and gather his suit, shoes and other essentials that he would need.

Sherlock mumbled something obviously not comprehendible to John's ears.

He shook his head in annoyance and went to the bath.

Ring! Ring!

Sherlock grunted when he heard go off, he had gotten a message from an unknown number.

It was a video. Shit!

He instantly sat up and opened the video, Jocelyn was the first thing he saw, but she looked fine. Not in any way harm, and had her bottle with her, along with her pacifier on her mouth. Behind her he could see a white leather couch, so then she wasn't kidnapped or if she was she was given luxuries, but everything he saw was familiar. Her clothing, he remembers buying those clothes and her hair didn't look out of place. Then who send him this video.

"Jocelyn, say hi to your daddies", Anastasias soft British accent gave Sherlock a relief that could have lasted a life time.

Jocelyn only turning one not so long ago, couldn't talk yet, not that she was slow, none of the Holmes brothers talked at that age. Jocelyn was acting like a normal baby and babbled baby words with a giggle. It swelled Sherlock's heart with joy, his baby girl was already one year old and they had another one on the way.

John's words hunted him, making his brain fuzzy, he has been neglecting his daughter ever since she started crawling, and sometimes he didn't know why. I have to make this right.

"Hey Jocelyn, guess what?", her voice sparked with excitement.

Jocelyn beamed, understanding her words.

"You're going to be a big sister", Anastasia clapped with joy.

Jocelyn was shocked, she dropped her bottle and she spit out her pacifier, her screams filled them room, her face was turning angry red. "NO", she yelled as she threw her tantrum.

"Shh shh, no no no, Jocelyn don't cry", Anastasia tried to calm her down as she reached to her, but Jocelyn instead threw her the baby bottle. She hissed in pain, Sherlock snorted.

Sherlock then realized that Jocelyn had just her first words, No, she was definitely a Holmes. Her speech improvement at this age was showing how smart she is going to be.

His focus back to the video, Jocelyn kept up with her tantrum.

"Jocelyn.... Jocelyn, don't you want a little sister or brother", Anastasia tried to carry calm her down.

"NO NO NO!", Jocelyn's face was know glowing red and with tears streaming down her face, even with her small figure she had anger issues.

"Okay then", the camera was know on Anastasias face, she had a little frown but you could definitely see that she wanted to laugh, and the video ended.

Sherlock threw himself back to the bed, dying in laughter. He remembers when his mother told him and Mycroft, how seven year old Mycroft reacted when he found that he was about have a baby brother. He had tried to run away five times in less than three day, while their mother was sleeping Mycroft wanted to cut open his mother to kill him, Sherlock was born that same day because of his mother had gone into shock.

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