Bring Him Back

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"On your knees now, Mr. Holmes", the man kicked the back of his legs leading Sherlock to hit the floor on his knees.

"What do you want with me?", Sherlock groaned in annoyance, this hadn't been the first time his been kidnapped. They laughed at his tone, the man with the gun hit him straight in the nose.

"Fuck you, look whatever it is you think I know or have you're dead wrong, I don't have shit", his vision was blurry from his left eye he could already feel blood running down his nose.

"We know genius, we just want to warn you to stay away", the mans voice got angrier as punched Sherlock straight in the stomach.

He held back his pain in grunts, he was not going to let them win, he laughed "Warm me? You don't scare me, all of you are a bunch of low life criminals", that send him two hits to the face.

"You don't know our boss, but you will soon, but for now she gave us permission to play with you", the man pulled his hair with force and chuckled "we are going to have so much fun with you", he touched Sherlock cheeks, but he slapped his hand away.

"Oh are we going have to tie you down or will you follow orders", the man backed away.

"Fuck you, scumbag", Sherlock spat.

"Dirty mouth you have, shall we fix that", the man grabbed something from the table nearby, he whipped it in the air making a swish sound, riding crop.

"Grab him and take his shirt off", the man said coldly.

Sherlock tried to stand and make a run for it, but two men tackled him down another ripped his shirt wide open and threw it aside.

"Oh so pretty and fair skinned for us", he ran a hand across is back "to bad that's going to change", he laughed.

The first lash touched his skin "Fuck you", he held his breath so the lashes wouldn't hurt as much. Another came hitting his upper back near the neck, he whimpered, another last lash hit his spine.

"Ahh", he whimpered softly as possible if they could hear him that would make them win, and he would never let that happen.

Sherlock could feel another lash coming but there was a knock on the door "Sir his phone keeps ringing and this guy named John won't quit", an African American man came through the door and threw Sherlocks phone to the man who was beating him.

He took a glance at the phone and smiled "And who is this, Mr. Holmes?".

"Fuck you, this is between me and you, leave him out of this", Sherlock coughed blood out while speaking, his voice was low but the tone sounded threatening.

"So he is important to you", he turned to the men holding Sherlock down "shall we pay him a visit", he winked.

Sherlock panicked he tried shaking the men off "No, no, please leave him out of this".

The man held his hand up in the air "Ok ok, we won't do anything to him, but now we know who to target", he man abandoned the riding crop and sat in the chair that was in the table.

"So who is John to you, he must be important to you by the way you reacted", he said curiously, looking at the phone.

Sherlock ignored the question "Who are you and who is your employer?", Sherlock looked up he felt weak with his back bleeding and throbbing is was hard to move.

"Ah ah ah, you answer my question and I'll answer yours", the man announced.

He sighed, there was no point in lying, they probably already knew everything about him and John "He is... someone special", Sherlock hesitated.

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