The Thruth Isn't Always Pretty

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One year later

January 14, 2016

"Happy birthday to you,happy birthday dear Jocelyn, happy birthday to you", everyone sang in unison to Jocelyn, she laughed.

"Blow out the candles, Joc", John exclaimed, he held the camera taking photos as his baby laughed. Jocelyn didn't know what to do and looked at her daddy Sherlock for help.

"Sherlock show her how to do it", Greg added

"Like this, Joc", Sherlock leaned forward and blew softly careful not to put out the candle. She laughed and clapped her hands, John started recording.

"Come on Jocelyn", he cheered

Instead of blowing out the candles, she clawed out a huge piece of the cake his her little hand and took a huge bite.

"No Jocelyn... well that's close enough", John shrugged and stopped recording.

"Let's wipe your face clean", John got her out of the high chair and cleaned her face with a napkin.

"There we go", John threw the napkin away and playfully gave her kisses on her tummy, her shrieking laughs were heard around the kitchen.

It has been a whole entire year since Jocelyn been born, Sherlock and John wouldn't trade that for the world. She changed the way they saw the world, it seemed more dangerous, obviously they knew that already but know it was beyond dangerous, it was cruel. Both men vowed to their daughter that they would protect her, but let her have fun as well. She was starting to look more like John's mother everyday, Jocelyn has her nose, eyelashes, lips, but apart from that she was all John. Her sandy blonde hair and dark blue eyes could only come from somewhere, John. She was smart for a baby, she understood adult actions and conversations. Because she was one already that meant she was going to start walking soon, that was going to be hell for them. She crawls room to room in a second, it would take time for John to catch her and not trip on something.

John turned around to meet Mycroft's cold eyes, the tension between them both has been thick for months. Mycroft thankfully hasn't said anything to Sherlock about Anastasia, or they would of separated long ago. He ignored Mycroft's stare and went back to the party.

Molly, Greg, Mrs. Hudson and sadly Mycroft came over to celebrate their baby's birthday, they had everything a normal family would need. That's why John needed to tell Sherlock, he had to tell him for his sake, the guilt had him crazy. Every time he had the courage to tell him, it would go in an instant, he couldn't do this anymore.

After everyone left and all three were on the bed, John decided to finally speak up.

"Sherlock?", John murmured quietly

"Yes", Sherlock answered

"I need to tell you something, something you won't be very happy to hear", John keep his head down and sat up in the bed. Jocelyn was in between be men, and already she could the tension.

Sherlock turned his head confusingly"What is it?", he asked.

"Remember when you were kidnapped a year ago", John started playing with his fingers, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Yes", he said slowly

"The woman Anastasia Russo, she was the one who kidnapped you, well she's the one who gave the order", John spoke softly once again.

"What about her?", Sherlock said coldly, he hated talking about that day, if he wasn't taken by those man he wouldn't have missed his daughter's birth.

"Well as it turns out she's my sister", John looked away, he did not want to see his reaction.

Sherlock started laughing softly "What?",

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