Their Happiness

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The months passed and they were both in misery. One baby was fine but the other was fighting for his life every day. It was stressful to the point were John had to take medication to calm down the stress.

They went to all the doctors Mycroft has recommended, and every single one of them has said the same thing, "I'm sorry but there is nothing we can do at this point, but your stress isn't going to help the baby. You need to take it easy."

It was hurtful, no one could help them and even John was giving up, he knew there was no hope. Their baby would just have to grow up a fighter his entire life.

8 months

"John, we can't give up now. I know you are hurting, but so am I", Sherlock looked at his husband who was paying no attention to him. John had been staring at the wall for ten minutes, only actions that were being done was blinking.

Sherlock growled, he picked up a chair from the table and threw it against the wall John had been staring at. Sherlock stared at the broken chair and then back at John who had moved his attention to the window, they both then heard a wailing coming room upstairs.

Sherlock took in a deep breaths looking up at the ceiling, he stared at John one last time before he headed upstairs.

"Hello, darling", he cooed at his crying daughter. Her crying almost immediately stopped and gave out a giggle.

"I'm sorry, I woke you up, daddy was just having a fit", he smiled and blew raspberries on her stomach, wild fit of wet giggles filled the room.

"Oh you are just too sweet", he blew more raspberries on her stomach, gifting him with more wild giggles.

He was about to blow more raspberries on her stomach when he heard a camera flash, he turned around to see John holding the camera with a small smile.

"I'm sorry", John said softly, his eyes never leaving Sherlock's.

He smiled back.

"Don't be", he extended out his arm, telling John to join them. John walked closer to the two of them, he rested his head on Sherlock's chest and wrapped his arm around Sherlock's waist, Sherlock did the same and gave him a kiss on top of his head.

Jocelyn was slowly starting to fall asleep but fought herself to stay awake, John and Sherlock laughed. She rested her head against Sherlock's shoulder but as she heard the men giggle she startled awake and accidentally hitting John's stomach. John winced and gasped as her foot hit his stomach quite badly.

"Are you okay?", Sherlock settled Jocelyn down to her crib and settled one hand on his stomach.

"Yeah, just that she hit me quiet hard", he put on a small painful smile that not even Jocelyn fell for.

"Liar", Sherlock grabbed John's hand and led him down the steps. He didn't feel the grip getting stronger, "Sherlock", John spoke with a gasp.

Sherlock stopped in the middle of the steps and spun to see John slowly lowering himself on the staircases.

"Sherlock, I think we might need to go to the hospital", he continued to rub his belly wince fully. Sherlock swallowed the dryness in his mouth and spoke shakily, "Uhh... yes, yes of course. Just stay there and I'll get everything ready".

He ran to their room and got the diaper bag for their departure, he threw everything in there that he thought was necessary. Then he called out for Mrs. Hudson.

"Yes, dear", she answered.

"The twins, I think they're coming, we aren't sure", he said in a panicky tone.

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