Finally, They are Together

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3 days later

"You two are ready to leave", Dr. Morgan announced to them with a huge smile.

"Thank you, ma'am", John returned the smile she left with a clip board on her hands. Mycroft soon entered with Jocelyn in his hands.

"Yes, finally I get to see my daughter, give her here", John extended out his arms to reach for Jocelyn.

"Here, she's awake", Mycroft walked closer to John and passed her to him.

"She has his eyes", John laughed in disbelief, it was like seeing John and Sherlock put together, she already had blonde hair growing. He smiled, he couldn't stop looking at her.

"Well, they already had her check up and they said she is extremely healthy baby. Her birth certificate is ready and you are as well."

Mycroft brought in John's clothes and laid them down next to the bed.

"Thank you Mycroft, really, I don't know how to thank you, you've done so much for us", John looked at him sincerely.

Mycroft shook his head "It really isn't a problem, I'm more than happy to help you"

"And how's Sherlock", John smiled disappeared, so did Mycroft's.

"He's still has not awoke, but the doctors say he is well", he informed.

John nodded weakly "Well as long as he is healthy", he tried to smiled but failed.

"Yes, now let's get you ready", Mycroft took Jocelyn and laid her down in the bed. He then helped John out of his hospital gown, he looked away when John was completely naked.

"Um... should I look away"

John laughed "It's not exactly cheating is it, just help me please"


They had finished and starting changing Jocelyn.

"Do you have her birth certificate with you?", John asked while changing her diaper.

"Ah, yes it's in the diaper bag", Mycroft went to the bag and got a pink paper out.

"Here you go", he hand it to him, John abandoned his post, with Mycroft taking over.

Name: Jocelyn Emma Watson-Holmes

DOB: January 14, 2015

Time of Birth: 10:25 am

Weight: 6 pd, 15 oz

Height: 18 inches

Parents: William Sherlock Scott Watson-Holmes & John Hamish Watson-Holmes

"What room is he in?",John asked placing the certificate next to Jocelyn. She was still wide awake looking at around at her surroundings'.

"John you need to rest-"

"No I need to see my husband", John picked her up and their eyes locked in each other, she broke into a smile.

"Besides he needs to see his daughter", he whispered, he was still deeply enchanted with her beautiful baby blues and wide smile.

"Alright he is in room 17 floor 6, would you like assistance?", Mycroft sounded annoyed at John's stubbornness.

"Yes, if it isn't too much trouble", John finally looked up from Jocelyn's eyes. After several minutes on getting everything ready they finally left the room, John was carrying Jocelyn who was wrapped in a soft pink blanket. Mycroft the certificate in his hands and the diaper bag on his shoulder and they both headed to Sherlock's room.

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