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"Jesus Sherlock, you need to help and you know that, so please can you help me", John pleaded to his soon to be husband.

"Why? It's going to be some stupid party, that some close friends and family attend and then we go to a short holiday, I don't see why I need to help in a dumb party", Sherlock announced cruelly from the couch.

"Oh my god, Sherlock, are you serious? It is not some stupid party, its our wedding", John turned his whole body away from the computer to face Sherlock.

"So?", Sherlock simply answered.

"So you're telling me that you're not going to help at all then", John look at his fiancee in disbelief, Sherlock simply nodded "Fine then we will just simply cancel everything", John threatened.

"Including the engagement", John added and stood up from his chair and went to the kitchen to make another cuppa.

Sherlock imminently got off the couch and ran towards John looking terrified.

"What? No,no, please John don't do this, please I'll start helping you", Sherlock was trying not to sound scared at John's threat, but the idea of not marrying John scared him.

"Sherlock, you have not help once at anything, it almost seems like you don't want to get married at all. I've had enough of your childish acts, I'm breaking our engagement because your behavior is telling me that you are going to be a lousy husband", John near tears, but that didn't stop him from taking his ring off and placing it in the kitchen table. "I'm sorry, but until you show me you care, we can get engage again"

Sherlock's eyes stung from all the wet tears falling from his eyes, he just couldn't believe John's words. He tried to speak but he kept sobbing and sobbing, and the words just wouldn't work with his mouth. It took him a couple of minutes for him to finally speak up.

"Please John, don't do this, not know, please I promise you that I will help with everything, but please don't do this, I do want to get married to you, I love you John", Sherlock picks up the ring John took off, he then drops to his knees and wraps his arms to John's waist crying into his shirt. "Please", Sherlock cried.

John stood still looking at his ex fiancee getting to his knees and crying in his shirt, he was crying as well, but John was sick and tired of doing everything by himself. He was just tired of all the stress of work and the wedding planning. Sherlock in the other hand showed zero interest in the wedding he didn't expecting him to react like this at all.

"Sherlock, look at me, baby please, I promise I'm not mad with you anymore, just look at me", John tried to push Sherlock off him so he could get a good look at how bad this affected him.

"Please John, I'm so sorry, I love you, I love you so much don't do this", Sherlock was still in his knees pleading his heart out to John. John soon joined Sherlock on the floor trying to calm him down.

"Shh, calm down Sherlock, it's ok baby, I promise, shh", John wraps his around Sherlock necks pulling him to embrace, rubbing soothing circles on his back. John's back was against the bottom cabinets of the kitchen, he cradling Sherlock like a baby giving him kisses on his forehead.

"Sherlock", John tried to start a conversation.

"Yes?", Sherlock looked up with bloodshot eyes.

"Are you ok?", John knew the answer but it didn't hurt to ask.

"What do you care? You are the one who did this to me!", Sherlock escape John's arms and look at him with anger.

"I did this to you, well this wouldn't be happening if you would just help with the simplest things, so this is mostly your fault, so don't you dare point the fingers towards me", John yelled back, feeling outrage through his veins.

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