The Official Honeymoon

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"John I'm sorry, for what I said back there", Sherlock looked down as they walked in the airport.

"Hey, don't think about it, ok, I forgive you", John drop his bag next to him to cup his face, he then grabbed his collar and pulled him in for a small kiss. As they separated he could see a small blush in Sherlock's cheeks.

"Now let's go before they leave without us", he grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers, then grabbed his bag from the floor and walked to the plane.

As they took their seats John started to remember what happened in their last honeymoon, the pills, the allergic reaction, the panic attacks, the fight, the suicide attempt. Sherlock saw the worry in John's face he was confused at first but then he remembered last time.

"John I promise to behave this time on the plane so you won't have to drug me", he took his hand for comfort.

John snapped out of trance and nodded but then hesitated "S-Sherlock could I see them?", Sherlock swallowed deep, it rare for John to see his scars, he wears long sleeves for a reason now. He slowly took of his coat his coat and rolled up his sleeves, he was ashamed of the scars. John slowly traced them with his index finger.

"I still don't know how you could ever forgive me for what I did to you", his voice sounded rough with a hint of shame.

Sherlock shook his head "I forgave you because I love you, because I wanted a family with you, a future, and we got that because of forgiveness"

"Yes I know that, but let's face the facts that we always have something to fight about and when we fight Jocelyn listens. She might be a year old, but she's a Holmes. I don't her growing up with parents that are always fighting"

"That's the meaning of this honeymoon, John. Every question, every doubt that we both have let's discuss it, yes", he lifted John's chin so their eyes could meet.

"Yes", John smiled and leaned in for a kiss, they could feel each other smile while kissing. They both agreed to either sleep or rest in each other's arms. It was an extremely long flight, it seemed like days for Sherlock, John actually fell asleep.

John had Sherlock's head on his shoulder, his arm has thrown over his shoulder for more comfort making it impossible for Sherlock to slipped out of his arms. John later woke up in the same position he fell asleep in, he turned to see his husband in a grumpy mood, John rolled his eyes.

"What now?", he asked sounding annoyed.

"Oh thank god you're awake, you had me trapped for three hours in your arms", he jolted out of his arms.

"Love you too, darling", John said sarcastically

For the next three hours Sherlock kept shuffling around in his seat and John kept saying "please stop". But Sherlock being Sherlock he didn't stop until they landed. They got their luggage and John followed Anastasia's instructions, so he texted her.

We've landed- JWH

Finally, there would a driver waiting for you outside the airport. He is driving a black Jaguar, have fun but not too much fun-AR

John rolled his eyes "Come on our driver is outside", John informed.

They exited taking a view of the city, it was beautiful, very high class. They both smiled and walked to their car.

"Mr and Dr. Watson-Holmes, I may presume", said an elderly man holding out the back door from the car.

"Yes", they said at the same time.

"If you would please step in", nodding to the door.

They step in and waited for the man to drive .

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