Pregnant Part 1

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2 months

"I'm heading to the store, you want anything?", John asked Sherlock as he was putting on his jacket on.

Sherlock looked up from his experiment "You can't go to the store your pregnant" he left his experiment and removed John's jacket and sat him down.

"I'll go just give me list", Sherlock began putting his coat on

John chuckled "That's sweet of you I can go to the store by myself, I'm only two months pregnant when I'm four or six months pregnant then we can talk", John laughed and stood from his chair picking up his jacket.

Sherlock was about to say something smart back but he knew better than to fight with his husband "Fine, but at least let me come with you", Sherlock pouted.

John rolled his eyes "Okay fine you can come, but you better behave", John could already feel the chest pains he was going to get for letting Sherlock come with him.

"I'm not a child so don't treat me like one", Sherlock wrapped his scarf around him.

"Then stop acting like one and maybe I'll stop treating you like one", John commented

Sherlock rolled his eyes again, they headed downstairs and hailed a cab. Sherlock made sure that their hands were intertwined the whole time.

They returned from the store, John was tired his throat was sore and his head ached, from yelling at Sherlock.

"You are never going to the store with me ever again do your understand", John took off his coat and went to the cabinets to search for a pill.

"I'm not sorry that weird kid kept looking at us", Sherlock defended himself and placed the groceries on the table.

"Sherlock you kept humping me because you were bored and the kid looked like he was seven plus he was autistic", he poured himself a glass of water and swallowed the pill.

"Whatever, that reminds me I have something for you, close your eyes", Sherlock wrapped his arms around John's waist.

"Fine, but he you hump me you're sleeping in the couch", John closed his eyes.

"Ok ready", Sherlock covered John's eyes with his hands and smiled.

"Yeah, whatever", Sherlock leaned forward for a kiss but as soon as John started leaning as well, Sherlock humped him from the front at least three times, he laughed and ran to their room and John following him.

"You little fucker get over here", John laughed, he couldn't help help but laugh, it wasn't every day Sherlock was this playful. John ran in their room and was scared by the shut of the door behind him.

"I'm here", Sherlock but his lips innocently and wrapped his arms around his waist "what are you going to do to me doctor?", he licked and bit John's neck whispering to him softly.

"I didn't have anything planned, but now my plans have changed", John pulled him from his neck and pushed him to the bed.

"What are they doctor?", Sherlock sat up and pulled John to his lap rocking the cocks together. Gasping and moaning escaped from their mouth as they kept rocking.

"Stop before I come in my pants", John made them stop and slowly pushed Sherlock back to the bed.

Sherlock groaned but like it when John took power. John started unbuttoning Sherlock's shirt kissing ever so softly as he was went down. He was impatient and rapidly unbutton Sherlock's trousers and sucked through his pants.

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