The Devil Help Us, Love

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"You should tell him John, about what happened", Anastasia spoke clearly looking at her brother who was making breakfast and went back to feed her niece.

"No we made a promise that day, never to tell anyone about this", John said coldly, he hates talking about that night, he can't remember any of it but it still broke him a bit.

"John the only reason why you haven't told him is because you are ashamed of what happened. What happened was not your fault we were ridiculously drunk-"

"YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT", John yelled, his eyes were getting watery he quickly removed the tears. "I try and I try to tell myself over and over that it's not my fault but I can't help but not to feel that way", he tried his hardest not to break down.

"John, you need to do something that you should've done along time ago", she put a hand on his shoulder.

He looked at his sister.

"You need a therapist", John quickly walked away from the kitchen.

"No", he yelled from the living room.

Anastasia sighed "John", she got Jocelyn out of he her seat she put her down in the play pen she laid out for her earlier.

"John at least consider it, please", she beg to her brother when sweet eyes.

"No, I won't even think about it,ok", he gave her a hard look.

She swallowed but nodded, she knew that was a difficult subject for him, she couldn't blame him. After a while they had breakfast, the two of them put on a film.

They stayed quiet until Anastasia broke the silence "So where did you guys go on a honeymoon?", she asked sweetly

John froze "Umm well we were suppose to go to New York and Texas but we had some complications", John shook off the memories that went to this head.

"What? You didn't have a honeymoon", she gasped and stood up front the sofa.

"Nope", he said popping out the 'p'.

She gasped even loudly "Oh no, hell no, you two are going to have a honeymoon right now", she picked up her phone.

"As much as I would love to, I can't", he sighed in disappointment.

"Yes you can and you are", she pressed some buttons on her phone "you two are in the next flight to Las Vegas, so hurry and pack up, I'll take care of Jocelyn", she dragged her brother out of the couch and called Jeffrey to pack his stuff.

"Anastasia, thank you very much for your offer, but I have work tomorrow", John laughed

"Don't worry about your silly work I'll handle it for you", she rolled her eyes

"Anastasia, I can't go back to him, he must be extremely mad at me right now", John informed as Jeffrey dropped his luggage at the door.

"Would you need anything else madam", he spoke in a high class voice.

"Yes, wait outside for the airline tickets and bring them as soon as possible, thank you", she waited for him to leave and then continued with her conversation.

"I was told this morning that Sherlock had all of Scotland Yard and the British government looking for you, and you think he is mad at you", she sounded astonished at Sherlock's love for him.

John laughed but believing her "He's probably looking for his daughter", he looked at Jocelyn who was trying to climb the couch.

"So what just go", she grabbed his arm and pulled him to the door.

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