Chapter 1

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Have you even just stared at yourself in the mirror?

I have.

I'm am doing it right now, actually.

My dull light blue eyes staring right back at me. Bags right under my eyes, I haven't gotten a good sleep last night or the night before, all this week actually. My long dirty blonde hair that is fuzzy and can never be straight, smooth, or soft.

I stop staring at the mirror when my best friend yelled from downstairs for me to hurry up before we're late for school.

I grab my backpack that was on my bed and walk out of my room to downstairs and see Taffy (my best friend) in the kitchen eating an apple.

Me and Taffy been friends for 2 years. She was a new student and she bump into me making me drop my books, I had in my hands and since that day we been best friends.

"Let's get hell hole started" Taffy groaned and hop off the stool she was sitting on, then fix her cheerleader outfit.

Taffy is a cheerleader, but she's not like the other cheerleaders she's actually nice, sweet, and caring. She is popular but she doesn't really hang out with the popular people because if you haven't tell, I'm not a popular and not a cheerleader so she hangs out with me, so I don't get lonely. I sometimes feel guilty that she always hangs out with me, the boring, nerdy, doesn't like partying girl but Taffy always reassured me it's fine and she likes hanging out with me.

All the boys in our school drool over her. With her short blonde hair and green eyes that shine with happiness. Her sassy, outgoing, confident attitude, any boy would want to be with her, but one thing about Taffy is she doesn't date only one night stands and everyone knows that.

I'm the opposite of her I'm not going, confident, sassy (well maybe a little) I'm a little shy around people I don't really know, I don't like going to party's like Taffy does, I would rather go out for a walk in the park or go on wattpad and read books all day in my room while having music playing. I don't do one night stands and I never had a boyfriend or even had my first kiss in my 17 years of my life.

"School is not that horrible" I said and grab my keys, and put them in my light blue jean jacket pocket.

"Yes it is, but cheerleading always makes it up, let's go" We're going in her car today, yay! note the sarcasm. Her car is not bad, but I don't really like the color pink. She have a pink ladybug car that she got last year for her birthday from her parents.

I have a car too but I just have a regular car. I don't know the type of the car, but it fits 5 people and it's dark blue. I got it last year not on my birthday though, I bought it with the money I saved up from my job at Menards.

My mom and dad are divorced, they got a divorce when I was 7. I live with my mom, but she's never home if she is she's in her room doing whatever, she is a Doctor.

I haven't talked to my dad since he left, he didn't even said a goodbye. All I know is that he's a head chef at a really fancy restaurant called, Delicious. He lives about 2 or 3 hours from here, I never have the guts to visit him and anyways he never tried to contact me.

I'm an only child, so I'm mostly lonely in this big house.

There's one thing about my mom that I never told anyone expect one person, not even my dad knows, I don't think he would care anyways.

"Ok we're here" I was so busy thinking that I didn't notice Taffy parked in the school parking lot.

Our school
West hartley high

"Are you ready for the test we have in physics" I asked her when we're walking to our lockers, our lockers are next to each other. Taffy gasp and stop walking, turned to me with wide and shock eyes.

"We have a test" I nodded.

"Mr.Greg told us last week on Friday to be ready for the test on Monday, that is today" I open my locker and grab what I needed then closed it. I face Taffy who is still where she was before.

Having a test is one of the worst, because you forget everything you learn and usually Monday is the day that your so tired and sleepy and having a test makes it worst.

"Urghh I forgot" Taffy groaned and stomps to her locker grab her stuff, then slam shut her locker with a grumpy look.

"Hey I think you be fine, you can always re-take it if you don't like your grade or if you didn't well" I tried to clam her down.

"Yeah I know" We began to walk to our homeroom.

"I bet the test is not even that long or hard" I take my seat in the back next to the window and Taffy took the one next to me.

"Of course you say that you actually studied" She roll her eyes at me, I smiled.

"Can't help it, I am a nerd" I told her and told out my notes for Mr.Greg test and past it to her. "Here are some notes to get you ready for the test, give it back to me at end of homeroom or before lunch" She smiled ear to ear and she jumped out of her chair to give me a hug. She have physics after lunch while I have it before lunch.

"Thank you thank you thank you" She said then went back to her sit and look at my notes.

"No problem" I smiled at her then the bell ringed and Mr.Greg (yes he's also our homeroom teacher) came in.

Mr.Greg is 6'2, strick, serious, Dark blue eyes, fifty year old man. He been teaching for 15 years, He had a wife but she died about 5 years ago to cancer, he doesn't have any children. The only reason a lot of student's don't like his classes is because his class is hard. He gives a lot of homework and sometimes it's due the next day and he gives about a quiz and a test every week, but to me his class is easy.

"Morning, I don't care what you do because it's homeroom, but don't be to loud. I would suggest if you have my class for physics you should study for the test today" Some students that have his class groaned, they forgot about the test. "Ahhh I'm guessing you all forgot about that test, this is going to be interesting when I'm grading them" He mumbled the last part then sat in his chair.

I just take out my phone and went on wattpad to read a book, that I was unable to finish reading yesterday. Taffy is busy studying for the test so I took out my earphones and listen to music.


"Hey" Taffy skip next to me while we walk to her car. We just finished school.

"Hey did you think you passed the test?" We got in her car then she drives off.

"I don't think I pasted it but I think I did good, oh and thank you for letting me use your notes again" I smiled at her.

"No problem it's what friends do they help their friends" We both smiled. I turn on her radio and the song "No money" by Galantis came on, we both sing along to it and the other songs that played till we got to my house, Taffy drop me off then went to a dinner to meet the other cheerleaders before they have practice.

I didn't feel hungry so I just went up to my room put music on finish off some homework I got today, took a shower, had a snack, then watch movies til 12 o'clock then I went to bed.



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Skylar Day playing as Ever ↑↑

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