Chapter 4

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"Crap" I said while I step on a glass, barefooted. I just got out of my shower and somehow some glass was on the floor and I step on it.

Way to go Ever I thought to myself.

"AWE!!!" I shouted, I put my hand on the sink and there was glass there and I cut my hand. "WHERE THE HECK THE GLASS CAME FROM" I shouted knowing no one will hear me.

Today is differently not my day, waking up at 3:30 because of another nightmare, couldn't go back to sleep so I just stared at my ceiling, at about 5 I took a shower, and now I cut myself with glass on my hand and feet.

I clean up my cuts and put on a bandaid, put on my clothes, then I clean the blood that was on the floor. It was already 5:47 when I was done with everything. I went downstairs with my backpack and everything I need and head to the kitchen and made toast, put on butter then I leave my house while eating my toast.

I drove around a bit, because I didn't want to be too early for school. When I stoped at a red light and turn my head and see a blue car with someone familiar in the driver seat and the person turn his head to me.

Black hair with light blue eyes

His eyes widened with shock, like mine and I accidentally press the gas pedal, and the car went forward and almost hit a old lady, but I stop my car before it did, but I jerk forward and my head hit the steering wheel. Awe that's hurts. I rub my forehead and I feel a bump there, wow great just my day note the sarcasm.

I turn back to the blue car and see him staring at me with concern, why is he? He left, he didn't care about me, because he wouldn't just leave when I told him something that no one knows about.

The red light turns green and I speed away, not caring if I get a ticket, I don't want him to follow me, if he does.


"Hey what happened to you?" Taffy asked when she sat down across from me, I glare at her not in the mood to talk.

Today I snapped at 4 teachers because they keep talking to me and keep annoying me, they just couldn't shut the heck up, so I snapped and I got detention for the rest of the week, my first detention ever. But I only have today and tomorrow, because today is  Thursday, so at least I don't have a whole week of detention.

"Crap" I mumbled, but she just rised a eyebrow at me and I sigh. "I'm not having the best day today and I got detention the rest of this week, because I snap at a teacher" I took a bite from my granola bar, angrily.

"Hey that granola bar did nothing to you no need to eat it with anger" Everest said when he sat down next to Taffy, I glare at him.

"Does it look like a give a care" I snap at him, still glaring at him and just to prove a point I toke another angrily bite from my granola bar. He glares back at me and mumbles "Whatever" then look at his food.

"So are you nervous for your first detention" Taffy asked me, but Mr.I-have-to-butt-into-everything said

"Wow the nerd got her first detention" He scoff then I kick in from under the table. "WHAT THE HELL" He shouted then glares at me.

"You can't shut up" I shrug and look back at Taffy who trying to not to laugh.

"Anyways not really" I answered Taffy question.


I throw away my wrapper then walk to my next class.


Yay I'm glad school is over!! I wish I could go home, but I have detention then I have to go to work today, but work isn't that bad. I hope I don't have to help any annoying customers because I know I'm going to snap at them and I don't want to get fired.

I got out of school late, because I had to stay in detention a little bit longer because the stupid teacher went to sleep and didn't wake up till I thew a pencil next to him at the wall, I was the only one at detention today so no one saw me throw it. When I was walking out of the front doors someone pulled me from the side and slam me at the wall. Two arms trap my head and a body trap my body from moving.

I look and surprised who it is....


Who you think it is!??
Who you think she saw?
I know he he :-D

And sorry for the shorter chapter but I think it turned out ok.

Do you guys have any ideas to who can play Lolly? Please let me know or comment if you have anyone in mind.


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