Chapter 9

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"BE QUITE OLD LADY" I shouted, but not loud enough for people to hear outside of the break room.

Currently me and Lolly are in the break room taking our break we were supposed to take an hour ago, but got lost track of time. I shouted at Lolly because she was saying this...

"But he's cute" I glare at her. Soo because Everest never left my side till now because he's not allowed in here. He's probably looking around the store or something. Anyway Lolly is saying he's cute and handsome and that he likes me and I should date him. "And I'm not old I'm just 2 years older then you" She glares back, I smirk and shrug and ate one of her fries. "Heyyyyyy that was mine" She whines and pouts, but I see a smile.

20 minutes later we finish our break and went back to work, but when I open the door I saw Everest standing across from the door and leaning on the wall on his phone. He look up and smirk when he saw me then put his phone back in his pocket.

"What are you still here" I said a little rude but I don't care.

"Because I can" He shrugs, I let out a sigh.

Can't he leave me the heck alone.

"Well I see you later Ever Have fun" She winks at me and leaves, I narrow my eyes at her. I look back at Everest and see he have an amused expression, I roll my eyes at him and walk away to where I'm supposed be.

3 hours later

"WE'RE FREE EVER WE'RE FREEEE I SAY" Lolly yelled when we (me, her, and Everest) are in the parking lot, just getting out of work. A few people stop and stare, but then continue walking to or out of the store.

It's just a Lolly being her crazy self, nothing new people.

"Yes we are but tomorrow we come back" I said and her shoulders went down and then she turn to me and glare.

"Wow thanks for destroying my happiness there"

"Your welcome" I smiled, she glared and shake her head and mumbled

"Why are we friends again?"

"Because you love me and I'm awesome and you wouldn't have any other friend's then me" I said and laugh while I walk to my car. I hear her laugh and yell "Bye, see you tomorrow" Her car was park far away from mine, Because I'm guessing she got mix up with a different car that looked like mine, or there wasn't any parking space near or next to mine.

"Ok are you leaving me alone now or what..?" I told Everest who is still following me.

"I'm just waiting you to get in your car then I will leave" He said and nods for some reason.

"Ummm....ok crazy man" I mumble and get in my car slowly while looking at him weirdly. I start my car and still see Everest standing their. I drove away and when I stop, so the car on the side of me can leave, he's still standing where he was and watching me

Not creepy at all.

When I got home, I did the normal Saturday thing I mostly always do every weekend. Made myself a sandwich, go up stairs, watch a movie, change into pajamas, go on my phone looking though Instagram while the movie is playing.

I have a boring life, don't I?

Yes, yes I do.

And yes I Just answered myself.

When I was going to get out of Instagram I got a notification from guess who


Who somehow found my Instagram account and decided to follow, if that's not creepy at all.

I roll my eyes but I follow him back.

  Hey strawberry thanks for the follow back, you must like me then ;)

I roll my eyes at that text he sent.

I thought I would to take your misery away from waiting for me to follow you back, Stalker.

    Hey, I did not stalk you I just simply ask your friend Lolly what's your Instagram account, Because she didn't want to give me your phone number.

Thank you Lolly for not giving my number to me, but why did you had to give him my Instagram account.
Wait when did they talk?

When did Lolly gave my Instagram account too you?

   Ooo someone Jealous? ;)

Ew no and never will be. I'm just wondering, Because I don't remember seeing you two together and talking.

  It was when you were stocking boxes on a shelf and you weren't paying attention then she walk past us, so I called her and then after 3 minutes I got your Instagram account.

I heard the front door open and slam closed. Meaning one thing...

My mother is here.

I need to go now so see ya.

I shut off my phone and put it on silent really quickly same with the tv. Then I went under my covers pretending to sleep and I hope my mother doesn't bother me or buys that's I'm sleeping.

"EVER" I flinch but said nothing. The next second my door slams open. "WAKE UP B****" I still didn't move, I'm too scared to move a muscle.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH" I scream when I hit the floor.

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I just been so busy with school and then I got writer's block.

I'm also sorry if this chapter is boring, I tried to not make it boring.

I'll try to update next week.

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