Chapter 8

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"Hello Ever How you been?" Lolly mostly shouted when she saw me putting away tools in their place.

"Ummm good I guess" I shrug. All I did today was wake up, take a shower, get dress, eat waffles for breakfast, and leave my house for work. I did nothing new or excited today. I look back at Lolly and see her smiling more then usual and her eyes are shining more then usual also, ummm. "You?" I eyed her and put the last tool away.

"AMAZING!!" She yelled. I didn't expect her to yell, so I got startled and jump back causing me to hit the box on the cart and spilling the chips and candy that was in the box. Me and Lolly both look at the mess. When look at each other Lolly gave me a sleepish smile.

"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you" I wave her over saying it's nothing. "But today was one of my best day ever!" She smiled again. I was going to say something, but a voice cut me off before I could say a word.

"Wow what happened here" I turn around being careful not stepping on anything and look to see Everest. "It looks like someone got clumsy" He smirks at me, I glare back.

"I wasn't clumsy" I snap and him and mumble "not this time" I look back at him and point to a confuse, but happy Lolly "She startled me by yelling causing me to jump in surprised and drop all this" Waving my hand around all the chips and candy that's all over the floor, that I should pick up before my boss sees it.

"I should go and clock in so Ever I'll tell you my day later maybe at one of our breaks byeeee" Lolly quickly said and then left mostly she ran.

"You get more then one break?" I turn back to Everest who is surprised, I nodded.

"Yes depends on how many hours we work or shift" I told him while grabbing the box and putting the chips and candy in there. When I finish Putting everything back in the box I stand back up, and look at Everest who's leaning on the shelf on his phone.

"Gezz Thank's for the help" I said sarcastically, making him look at me with a smirk, and put his phone back in his pocket.

"I didn't make the mess" He shrugs "It's your job anyways" His stupid smirk is still there, I roll my eyes.

"Why are you here bothering me anyways" I said while putting the box on the cart and walking to the chip area. With Everest following me.

"I needed somethings" He showed me his basket that I just noticed he had, it was filled with tools and a few snacks, that I think he took when I was putting them back in the box. I nodded and went back to putting chips back on the shelf. "What are you doing after work?" He said now in front of me, when I put the last chip back I had on the shelf.

"Umm probably go home and watching tv or movies" I shrug, I have a really boring simple life now then I had as a kid. I walk down to where the candy is and started unpack the candy I had on the shelf, I need to remember before I leave work to grab a few snacks. "What are you still doing here, don't you have to find more stuff or pay?" I ask Everest who is still here and looking at me and the candy.

"I wanted to annoy you and keep you company because you seem lonely" I roll my eyes at that.

Stupid idiot

"So when is you break?" I look at the time and see it's 1pm, I been here since 11:25. "About in 2 or 3 hours" He nods.

"EVER" I turn around and see Lolly running to us.

"Your not supposed run in the store" I told her when she got to us, she rolls her eyes and said

"You sound like our boss"

"How is that a bad thing?" We all turn around to who said that and see Mr.Ray who is in charge of the store meaning his our boss, I felt Lolly straighten up and calm her breathing from her running.

Mr.Ray is 45 years old, doesn't have any children that I know of, isn't married. He's very tall 6'3, have dark brown wavy hair with blond high lights, Brown eyes, he always have a stern and tough expression that makes you never want to mess with him or never want to look at him in the eye.

" was just playing around" Lolly mumble and awkwardly laugh. Mr.Ray just looks at her and nods.

"Ok.... If I may ask Lolly why were you running in the store?" Mr.Ray rised an eyebrow at her.

How do you even rised up an eyebrow?, I tried but I just end up looking weird. People do it so easily while I have a lot of trouble with it.

"...Right Ever?..." I shake out of my thought and look at Lolly who is looking at me same as Everest and Mr.Ray.

"Umm What?..." I shyly asked looking down to the floor embarrassed for getting caught in my thoughts and not paying attention.

"I was saying that you text me saying it's an emergency so I can running to you" She narrow her eyes at me, meaning to agree with her.

"OH yeah I did text her that it was an emergency and I had to talk to her"

Mr.Pay didn't buy it, but let it go for now, and just nodded slowly at us.

"Umm ok well get back to work lady's" He nodded at us and walk away after we said "Yes sir"

"Thanks Ever" Lolly let out a breath.

"No problem" I smiled at her "But why where you running?" Her eye's light up.

"Oh remember that interview that I did for Sears at the mall?" I nodded.

She told me a while ago she needed more money when she turn down my offer to give her money that she needed, she decided to get another job. I went to the mall with her. We both saw a "We are hiring sigh" at Sears, she sign up then she got a interview a week later. They told her they will call her if she gets the job.

"You got it!!" I said excitedly but not to much to get a lot of attention and get the boss over here again.

"YES I DID!!!!" She jump up and down, but then stops when she saw people starting at her, she blushes and put her hair behind her ear, then looks back at me with a big smile. "I start this monday!!!!"

"Congratulations Lolly!!!!" I smile and hug her then we jump up and down for a minute.

"Thank you I tell you more later because we need to get back to work" Lolly pick up her bag she drop when she was jumping. "I'll talk to you later byeeee" She went off running again, I laugh and shake my head, then turn around and see Everest, who I forgotten was there with a rised eyebrow.

"What?" I asked him and shrug. "And why are you still here?" He smiles and shake his head, I look at him weirdly, but then went back to work.


"Isn't your break now" Everest asked me when the time hit 5. My eyes widen filled with shock, it went by fast.

"Oh yes I was act supposed take a break at 4...but oh well..... I can take it now" I chuckle. I walk to the cashier and see Lolly working at one, and just finish a costumer.

"Hey Lolls did you knew it's 5 and our break was at 4" I told Lolly and her eyes widen like mine once were a few moments ago, and she wiped her head to the clock in the back.

"Where the time went" She whispers then look back at me and shrugs "Break time now" She shut off her light and then walk away to what I'm guessing the break room.

"Ok so are you leaving now" I asked Everest who already payed a while go back then came back, after he put his stuff he bought in his car. "Because you can't come to the break room with us"

"I look around then" He shrugs.

"Don't you have things to do instead of bothering me because last time I check you didn't like me" I narrow my eyes at him and cross my arms together.

"I can do them later and last time I check I was told you where shy and your not" He copyed me.

"That doesn't concern the situation right now"

"What situation?"

"WHY YOUR NOT LEAVING ME ALONE!!" I shouted/whisper and wave my arms around.

"Because I don't want too." He smirks and shrugs. I let out a noice and stomp away from him to the break room.

With him following me.

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