Chapter 30

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"Dad" I choked out.

He looks up right away, that could've broke his neck like I could've when I did that a minute ago. His wide, shocked blue eyes meet mine with the same expression.

"Ever?" I nodded, we just stared at each other not doing anything else. We're still in shocked, I thought he was a head chef at the restaurant called Delicious? Why does he own one and is also a waiter?

Wait.... It's all clicking now.


"Daddy?" The little 6 year old girl called for her father who was in his office looking down at a blank piece of paper, with a pencil in hand and a thinking face on. He stop his deep thought when he heard his little girl called him, with that little sweet voice that always brings joy to his heart and a smile to his face.

"Yes sweet heart" She push the door almost tripping on the rug, that had a bump in it. The father laughed and walked up to his little girl and picked her up, and to her delight tickles her in his arms. He sat down back on his chair with the girl on his lap. "Shouldn't you be in bed? It's past 8 your bedtime" The little girl gave him the sweetest smile she could give to him, she knew it always softens him. It did, he kissed her head. "Your doing to be the death of me" She laughed that brought joy to his ears, from a tough day at work.

"What are you doing" The little girl looks at his blank piece of paper and now a abandon pencil on the side.

"Thinking of maybe one day building a restaurant for me and you, but have no idea how" The father chuckles, as the little girl tries to grab the pencils. Aftering trying and trying of reaching, laughter, frustrated but determined the father gave his little girl the pencils, she smiled at him. He moved closer to his desk, so she can reach the paper.

Together they made a design of a restaurant and called it WaterLilly.


This is the placed, we talked about and made together. He actually did it, he created on what he ever wanted. To own and run a restaurant, and called it the same we came up together.

"Hi" We both snap out heard to a awkward Everest, I forgot he was here. "I'm Everest" He put his out of and my dad awkwardly shakes his hand back.

"Hi" My dad said then turned to me "Boyfriend?" I widen my eyes more, I don't know how to answer that.

"Soon" We both looked at Everest, he gave us a "what" look.

"Well should I get your orders?" I laughed out of weirdness, and told him my order and then Everest told his. After saying he be back shortly with our orders, Everest looked at me gavidng a look that want answers too.

"I'll tell you later" He nods at me, understanding I don't want to talk now especially with other people around us.

"Here are your guys food" My dad came back with all the food we ordered.  We thanked him and he left to take more orders, while me and Everest talked, I knew he wanted me to explain about my dad, but I'm happy his respecting my choice to tell him later. After we ate, we asked for the bill that Everest is not letting me pay at least half, but let it go because we're on a date.

"Here is your bill for tonight" My dad came back with the bill and Everest took it, to look how much it was then he payed, he didn't let me look how much it was. Everest looked at me and gave me the sweetest smile at me that melted me. Darn stupid smile.

"Ever?" I looked at my dad and see him hand me a piece of paper with a phone number on it, I took it and kept it in my hand. "If it's ok with you I would want to talk to you, that's mt number you can call me when you want to talk" I nod my head, happy that he's letting me call him when I'm ready to talk to him. I put the number in my purse and said "Thanks" to him who smiled and nodded at me. After we all said goodbye me and Everest left and went back to his place. He made us hot chocolate then we sat down on his coach, waiting for me to tell him the story.

"Ok when I was....." I started from the beginning when I was a kid helping my dad with his dream that I just found out came true, to where it ended and till now. It took me about 2 or 3 hours to explain everything while he comments and ask questions though out it.

"Wow" He said when I was done, and I nodded.

"It's a lot" I play with my hands while I look at him.

"Are you going to tell him about your mother? Are you going to forgive him or call him soon?" He asked all these questions that I don't know the answers too, I have no idea what to do. I never thought I would ever see my father again, and I tried to not think much about it, I didn't want to be more sad and think of the day he left when I needed him, he didn't even knew it. If he thought I was safe with her I wasn't, it was the total opposite. I was terrified, and sacred everytime she came home, but now I don't have to worry. I know I have Everest and Lolly on my side, and after so many years I actually feel Safe and happy.

"I honestly have no idea" I sigh and Everest brings me to his lap where I instantly relax into his chest. "I'm going to think about it for a while"

"Do you want my advice?" I look at him and nod. "I think you should hear him out when your ready to listen to it all, see what he has to say or what his reason was."

"That's a good idea I might do that" I closed my eyes and slowly feel asleep with the feeling of Everest twirling my hair around his fingers.


Hey everyone!!!
I know it's a little shorter but I hope it's still a good chapter.

Who wants her to forgive or listen out on her father?!?

I'm planning to have 5 or maybe 10 more chapters till this book ends I'm sad, but also excited to write the rest of this book that came so far and never thought it would haved.

Please go read a kinda new book that I'm writing in that was called Heart Break, but I renamed it to The Blakely Twins. You won't regret it!!

And go check out my other book Missing piece also!!! And my poem book Endless Dreams!!


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