Chapter 20

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I told Everest If I could stay at his house again for today. He immediately said yes, that caused me to laugh at his embarrassment and that small blush he had after he said it. I didn't want to go home when there is a change my mother would still be there. When we got to his house, He gave me another shirt of his to change into after we both change. Everest called a pizza place that had Chicken wings and order them, while I look for movies to watch.

"The food will be here under an hour" Everest said when he walked in the living room, finding me on the floor with his movies all over.

"Ok" I mumble, I hear him chuckle that brought a smile on my face. He has a lot of movies, then I saw some movies that I wonder why he haves it in his collection "Why do you have If I Stay and Pitch Perfect 1 and 2" He turns red and scratch his neck.

"They're technically not mine most of these movies are Ara's, I just have them" I nodded and put it down. "If you want to watch them you can"

"I want to, but I never seen them"

"You might like them, Ara did and she doesn't like chick-flicks that much" He chuckles, and he looked lost in thought, but got out of it and smiled at me. "And If you like those you might like glee, Ara loved that showed she used to watch all day, and always yelled or snap at me when I bother her" He laughs and I awed at the happiness, love, but there was also some sadness in his eyes. He really loves this Arabella.

"I want to watch glee first" He nodded and went back upstairs. He came back shortly and he have 6 DVD's of glee in his hands.

"I separate them from the movies because I wanted to, I'm not sure why I separate them" He laughs, I grab the first season from his hand and read the back, it sounds good. I put it in the DVD player while Everest place the rest of the season's of glee on a table, that is next to the couch, and then pack up the other movies that were on the floor back in cabinet, where they were first place in.

We just finish watching the first episode, when a bell rang.

"Foods here" Everest got up from the couch and walked to the door. I paused the show, got up and walked to the kitchen to grab us drinks, napkins, and plates. I walk back to the living room, and saw Everest putting the food on the coffee table. I place the napkins on the table, gave him a plate, and a can of Mountain Dew while I got Sprite. We grab our food then sat back down on the couch, I unpaused the show that went to the next episode.

For the next 5 hours till it was 12, we watch Glee snuggled together with my head, and my hands on his chest, his arms wrap around me with a blanket on top of us that Everest got when we were finish eating. It was around 10pm when Everest started to fall sleep. I lift my head up and see his sleeping face, he looks so relax, happy, and peaceful right now. A piece of hair fell out to his eyes, I gently put it back, but I left my hand and rub my thumb on his check. His eyes open looks at me with a sleepy look, my heart skips.

"Hi" He said raspy from just waking up, and he rubs his eyes with his hand. He gives me a sleepy smile, that made my heart beat faster.

"Hey" I said quietly.

"What time it is?"

"12" His eyes widen and sits right up.

"I slept for 2 hours?" I nodded and he looks at me "I'm sorry I slept though the show" I smiled at him.

"It's all good, it's actually a really good show. I didn't want to stop watching it, I only got to season 2 almost 3" I frown and look back at the tv. "But I know I can't stay up til morning, and be cranky later on" I laugh. He stands up and put his hand out for me to take, I did then I stand up.

"You can take my bed, I'll stay on the couch" I shake my head.

"No, I take the couch" He was about to stay something, but I put my hands on my hip "No augmenting, this is your house and I'm not taking your bed that's final" I demanded and narrow my eyes at him, who only smirks but then turned to a smile. I gasp and
squeak when I'm off the ground, he picks me up; I instantly warp my arms around his neck and look at him wide eyes. "What you doing?"

"Going to bed" He walks up the stairs while having a huge smile on his stupid face. "I'm not letting you sleep on the couch, so I guess we both take the bed" He looks at me and gave me an assurance smile "No worry's, I won't do anything if you want we can, put pillows in the middle" I shake my head, I smile and rest my head on his chest. He walks in his room and gently set me on the floor.

"I be back" I nodded and he left. I got under the covers and lay my head on the pillow, that I just realise is very soft. I turn my head to were there is that small table, there's a picture of about an 13 or 14 year old Ever and a girl who looks older, but still very young. Ever has cake on his head and the girl is laughing and her arm is around his shoulders, he look ayonnyed and his arms are crossed, but at the same time you could tell he loves her by his smile.

"What your thinking" I gasp and saw Ever sitting on the bed staring at the picture, I was just looking at. I didn't even hear him come in or sat down.

"Is that Arabella?" He nods and sad smiled.

"Yes, It was on my 14th birthday, she was 17 at the time almost 18. Back then every year she always had a surprise for me, that year was smashing cake on my face from opening an box" He smiled, his breaking me right now, his eyes and voice are killing me. He grab the frame and look at it. "But that was also the last birthday she was there" He sighed sadly and put it back.

"What happened?" I asked. He shakes his head gets up. He looks at me

"That's a story for another time" I nodded, understanding I gave him a smile. He got in bed, on his side.

"Goodnight Ever"

"Goodnight Everest"

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Heyyyyyy, turns out I could update. I been feeling a little down today, but I knew I couldn't be lazy and not update.

Anyways, how do you like the chapter? I know it's a little short but I hope it's still good.

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