Chapter 7

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"Today is Friday" I sang while getting ready for school, the last school day for the week!

If you could tell I don't like school very much or at all, but it's also not the worst thing in the world.

I grab my backpack off my bed and run downstairs and made some breakfast. Bacon,Ham, and cheese omelette, Yummmmm. After I ate, I put my plate in the sink. I walk out of my house lock the door then unlock my car and drove to school.

Urghh Today I have a test in every class I had so far. Now I'm in physics after is lunch. I'm so happy for lunch I'm hurgy and want food.

"Ms.Heart Hope you studied for my test today" Mr.Greg asked me when I walked in his classroom.

"Only for a short time, but I think I will do ok on it" I told him, hopefully I do ok. I did all the homework and labs we had to do and I understood everything, so I think I might do good on it.

"You better" He said to me serious but then gave me a small smile. He's not that serious then, I think.

I walk to my seat that is in the back but this time Everest is right next to my seat. In math class he just stared at me, I tried not to pay attention to him but it's was hard.

I sat down and took out my notebook I might need today for notes. Then wait for the bell to ring and I hope it's soon because Everest is staring at me again.



Yayyyy the bell finally rang after 3 minutes of waiting for it to ring.

Why when you look at the time it feels like it's going slower but when your not it goes faster? I don't get it and might never will.

"Ok class you already knew next week is going to be a 3 day week" Some students clap and cheer "So I'm going to do something different for next week. I never really do partners projects I realized so I'm doing it now" Most of the class groaned. I'm ok with it I guess but I really don't like partners because I mostly always end up doing all the work.

"Next week I will tell you, your partners but today we're going to have a test" Mr.Greg clapped while the rest of the class groan when he walked around the class passing out the test.

After I finish the test, I put it in the bin where Mr. Greg told us to put them after we were done. I walked back to my seat and felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I took my phone out and saw it's Taffy.

Hey can't make it to lunch today I have another cheerleader practice at lunch for the game tonight ~Taff

It's fine see you later ~Ever

K bye ~Taff

Bye ~Ever

I put my phone back in my pocket and try to pay attention to this extra credit paper that we could do after we took the test. I saw a piece of paper that is folded up on my notebook. I took it and opened it slowly, knowing it's from Everest.

Too busy thinking about me ;)

As much as I tried to not to smile, I did but only a small smile it's hard not too with the wink face he drew. It looks funny. I wrote back;

No to busy thinking of ways of murdering someone like you, oops I said to much already.

I threw it back to his table when I knew the teacher wasn't looking.
I didn't want another detention.

He grab it and opened it. I saw his lips turning up then he wrote back down on the little piece of paper.

You been thinking about me ;)

Stupid idiot, but couldn't help but smile


Woooh the time went really fast, it's time for lunch now!!!!!!!

I quickly put my stuff away in my backpack and stand up.

"Is someone in a hurry?" Everest asked with a smirk, I roll my eyes.

"Yes I want to get away from you" I rise my backpack on my shoulder and walk to the door. Then I ran to my locker put my books in it, take out the books I need after school into my bag, shut my locker and walk fast to the cafeteria.

I hope the line isn't that long.

When I walk in the line, it's not too long but it's not short either. I take out my phone and headphones. I put the headphones in and listening to the song Ultra Violet By The Katherines.

"My sister listens to them too" I look behind me to see Everest "I don't really understand why" I take one headphone out.

"Ultra Violet is really the only song I like from them, but they're not that bad" I move up in the line, hurry up people I'm hungry and want food.

Today it's Grilled cheese and the school makes them better then what they regular serve.

I love grilled cheese if you haven't notice.

"Why you only like that song?" He asked, I shrug.

I grab my tray and Everest who is behind me reach out to grab one too.
His arm brush lightly brushed my shoulder and arm. I stiffed and straighten my back when he touch me and when I felt a shock ran up my arm.

I ignore the feeling and put grapes on my tray, I love grapes!! Then I put a few carrots and Orange juice on my tray. Everest just put an orange juice and a few grapes on his tray.

After I got my food I was going to pay, but Everest push me to the side and payed for mine and his lunch.

"Hey I could payed my own food" I huff when we walk to a table that right now is empty.

"I know, but I wanted to pay" He smirks at me and wink. I roll my eyes and grit my teeth together, I don't like people paying anything for me, I have money I can buy it. We sat down at a table near the back, Everest sat across from me and began eating his food.

"Do you know what your going to do this weekend?" I look up from my food and see Everest looking at me.

"Ummm no not yet" I ate a grape but when I try to eat another one it slip and fell on the ground, I pout.

My poor grape.

I heard a soft chuckle that made my heart beat faster.

After School and detention was over I run to my car with a bright big smile. It's Friday!!! It's Freedom for 2 days!! It might not seem a lot and goes fast in my opinion but it's something better then nothing, Right?

I got home to an empty house as usual, but I put my shoes and jacket away near the door. I run into the kitchen made myself a sandwich, and grab a can of sprite then I ran upstairs with my backpack, Sprite, and sandwich in hand. I make sure I won't slip becuase that would be a bad fall.

I open my door and close it. Threw my backpack near a corner then jump on my bed. I put my sandwich and Pop on my table I have near my bed. I grab the remote and turn on tv.

That's what on a Friday night, watching tv then falling asleep.

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Ok this might be a bad/boring chapter but I hope you like it.

I just finish Finals!!!!!
So I might be able to write more.
I try to get the next chapter done ASAP!

Comment and vote!!!!!

Thank you alll!!!!!!

Til next update!!!!

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