Chapter 3

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"B..but dad p..promise you won't leave" The now 7 year old girl stumbled to say because she's crying to her father, who is staring at her with a blank look, but inside of him he's hurting by seeing his little girl crying because of him.

"I'm not really breaking it I just be 2 hours away from here" The father said to the little girl who fell to the ground sobbing.

She doesn't what her dad to leave
She doesn't want him to forget about her.

"I need to leave now" The father blantly told her, he's heart breaking each second and can't handle it any more.

'I need to leave now' he thought

Then looking at his little girl

'I'm sorry' He thought

Then he left, without a goodbye, he's heart sinking each step he takes.

The little girl lost a piece of her heart that day and so did he.


I open my eyes.

Heart pounding, hands shaking, breathing out of control.

I got up, I sat on my bed with my hands on next to me squeezing my bed sheets while I try to calm my self down. When my breathing got back together and I was calm, I took a long nice shower, I got dressed after I was done then look at the time, 4:10AM.

I did what I did yesterday.

Made a fire, sat on the couch then read a book with a blanket covering me.


"Heyyy" Taffy excitedly said when she entered homeroom and sat next to me.

"Hi" I said a little weakly, so I clear my throat and smiled at her.

"Are you ok?" She asked me with worry, she does that a lot, Almost everyday.

"Yeah I'm fine" I lied and nodded not looking at her, she look at me like she knows I'm lying "I just went to bed really late last night" She nodded but still unsure but didn't push.

"Well today Everest is coming today, I can't wait" Taffy claps her hands in excitement and have a huge smile.

"Do you even know what he looks like?"

I don't.

"No but I heard he's like really hot" She fans herself by her hands, I laugh.

"Well that explains a lot about him then" I sarcastically said.

Then the bell ring and Mr.Greg came in and told us to do whatever, but don't be too loud.

When me and Taffy were talking the door slam open revealing, who I'm guessing is Everest because I never saw him before.

"Ahh Mr.Collins take a seat and do whatever" Everest look at Mr.Greg in surprised, who wouldn't? A teacher telling you to do whatever is not a every common thing. Everest nodded and took the last seat that was in front of me.

"Hi Everest I'm Taffy" Taffy said to Everest who surprisingly turn to look at her "and this is my best friend Ever" I shyly waved and smiled "she's kinda shy" He look at me and my dull light blue eyes meet his beautiful blue eyes, he nodded to the both of us but didn't look away. I was getting uncomfortable, so I look away first and play with the pencil I have in my hand.

"Ms.Heart please come here" I look up and see Mr.Greg waving a hand to me that's saying come there. I got up from my seat and walk to his desk.

"What do you need Sir" I said to him, playing with my hands and smile, I do that when I'm nervous.

"I wanted to say Thank you for making that short story for my English class. It was very good and well writing" I smiled.

Mr.Greg wanted me to write a short story about anything for his English class, for an example for his class project his doing. I wrote about 3 kids having an Adventure in a forest and trying to find a way to get home. It shows that you have to support and stick to each other, that you don't have to do everything alone and some one is always there.

"Thank you Mr.Greg" He nods and smiles at me.

"Have you thought of being a writer?" He asked and I shake my head.

"No, I don't think I would be a good writer" He frowns, but then turns back to smile. 

"Don't put your self down, your really good and should give it thought" I nodded, lost in thought. "You can go back to your sit Ms.Heart" I nodded and walked back to my sit.

"What did he said?" Taffy asked.

"He just wanted to thank me for writing that short story for his class" I told Taffy but Everest was listening.

"Ahh is Strawberry a story writer" Me and Taffy look at him confuse.

"Strawberry?" Me and Taffy asked confused and we tilt our heads, me to the right while Taffy to the left.

He just shrugs at us.

"Oook" I said.

Me and Taffy, well it was mostly Taffy talking and me listening to her, while Everest just stared at me. Making me feel uncomfortable.


Wow, time went fast. Thank gosh, Everest did not stop staring at me and I kept over thinking if I had something on mt face or had my shirt inside out.

Taffy went to her next class while I went to mine, Math.

And guess what?

Everest is in the same class as me.

I sat in the back right next to the window while Everest took the seat next to me, to my right.

"Ok class we got a new student today, Everest would you like to stand up and say something about yourself to the class" Ms.Cherry said when the bell rang and everyone took there seats.

"Whatever" He shrugs but stand up."I don't care what people thinks about me, I don't care if I hurt anyone's feeling, I'm not afraid to speak my mind, and my favorite word is whatever" He sat back down when he finished talking and lean back in his with arms crossed.

"Wow impressive" I mumbled sarcastically to myself but he heard me and smirked, I roll my eyes at him and continue listening to Ms.Cherry lesson while taking notes.


I just got home and because it was just me, like always I made myself some tacos. When they were done I took them and a glass of lemonade to the living room.

I finish eating, then I turn of the t.v. and when back to the kitchen, and put my plate and cup in the sink, making a reminder to wash the dishes tomorrow, because I'm too lazy right now to do them.

I went to my room and change into my pajamas got under my blankets, turned on my tv and watched Friend's till I feel asleep.



Sorry for the boring chapter but now Everest is in and now some stuff is going to happen.

Matthew Noszka playing as Everest ↑↑

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