Chapter 23

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I woke up too a medium size light tan, kinda the color of a cracker bear with a turquoise bow on it's head, on my stomach. I look around and saw no one, I pick the cute bear up and see a note next to it.

Good morning Strawberry
  I saw this bear this morning and it instantly remember me of you. I hope you like it, like I like you ;)
  I had to go to school and grab our homework and stuff, but I will be back at around 12 to pick you up. You should be able to leave then.
                                   See you soon
                                                 Beautiful ;)

I can't stop smiling, he's so sweet. I blush reading the note, I probably look like a bright red strawberry. I'm glad he isn't here now to see my face, he would laugh at me, but I have a feeling I will blush a lot around him if he keeps this up, so he will probably have a lot of times to make fun of my easy red face.

  I hug the bear and look at the time, it's 10 am I just have to wait 2 more hours then I can leave here. After 15 minutes watching tv, the doctor came in and check on me and said that I could leave at 12. I would need a parent to sign me out, but because of what happen and the doctor knows that he let my Uncle sign me out. He sign me out yesterday because he couldn't come this morning.


"STRAWBERRY" My eyes widen when Everest slam open the door and shout.

"What's wrong with you, your in a hospital a lot of people are here and can hear you" I threw a pillow at him, and it hit his head. He laughs and grab the pillow that fell to the ground.

"Your leaving very soon anyways, so it doesn't matter" He shrugs and smiles, then he put the pillow back and sits on the bed. He looks at me then to the bear that I'm still holding "I see you like the bear I got you" He smirks, I nod "Did you like my note too?" I blush and he laughs, he still has that stupid smirk on his stupid face too.

"Shut up" I feel like smacking his face.

"When can you leave?" He asked when he clam down and stop laughing.

"When the nurse comes in and say that I can leave" He nods right then the nurse came in and said I could go. Before Everest came I change my clothes from the bag my Uncle gave me before he left. When he went to grab us food he also stop at my house to grab me some fresh clothes.

"Ready?" I nod and got off the bed, my legs are a little weak. I almost trip but I hold onto the bed and got myself steady again.

"Yes, now I am" I smiled at him and he wraps his arm around my shoulders, I lean towards him and wrap my arm around his back.

"Lets go" We leave and walk to his car. "Are you hungry?"


"Ok Let's get some lunch then after I know you want to catch up with homework" I smile shyly and look down, he laughs. After we ate, we went to my house when we got there and Everest park in the drive way, I look out the window and sigh.

"You don't have to go in if you don't want to, you can stay at my house for a while if you,want."

"No I need to go in it's now or never. Anyways it's just a house filled with bad memories" I mumble the end and we both got out, Everest came up to me and hold my hand. I smiled at him, grateful then we walk to the front door. I open the door and walk inside then closed the door. Everything looks the same, but it looks neater and cleaner Ramon probably clean up a little, he always bad a habit with cleaning.

"I brought the homework" Everest said bring up the backpack I just notice he had.

"Ok, let's go to the living room" He nods and we walk to the living room and sat on the floor to have more space.

"Here is your homework for all this week, and the teachers told me it's due next week" He gave me a small stack of papers.

"I can finish it this week, maybe today actually it doesn't look like there's much to do" I said while looking though all the paper.

After 5 hours and 4 small breaks we both finish all our homework. We both finish all the homework this week, it was pretty easy just a lot of writing. My hand is hurting because of that now.

"Well now we're homework  free for the rest of this week" Everest said and lay down on his back with his arms above his head. I laugh at that and sat next to him. I sequel when he pull me back, and I landed my head on his chest with his arms around me. "Now that's better" I laugh and hit his chest. I close my eyes and snuggled more on his chest.

"Tried? Sleepy head" I smiled.

"Yes, all the homework drain me" I said softly, slowly by slowly I'm falling  asleep.

"Let's get you some food then you can go to sleep" I nod and this time I didn't cared he pick me up, I wrap my arms around his neck and snuggle my head on his chest, he laughed softly when I did.

Then the door open and I was to tried to look who it was.

"Hey guys I brought food" Ramon said "Oh and I found the spare key under a rock" I smiled.

"Hey Uncle " Ever let me down, and rub my eyes. "What food did you brought?" They both laugh at me, while I frown and grab the bag ramon brought. I open the bag and grab the white box and open that.

"Chicken wings!!" I love chicken wings  "and you got ranch!"

"Yes and I already ate mine, I brought an 12 piece for the both of you" I grab my box then went to the frige and got a can of fruit punch. I went to the living room and ploop on the floor then begin eating. I heard laughing in the kitchen, but I ignore them.

"Ok I just wanted to see how are you, and bring you food incase you guys were hungry"

"We where, well I know I was" He laughs.

"I will call you later, to check up on you" I nod, and said bye then he left. Everest came and sat next to me, he give me a few napkins and put then next to me.

"These are good chicken wings"

"I know right!! I love chicken wings especially with ranch"

"I will agree with you" We continue eating until we're done.

"I'm full now" I took my last drink of my fruit punch, and then pat my now full belly.

"Same" He grab our trash and went to  throw them out. "Come on sleepy head let's get you to bed" I gave him a lazy smile,and gave my hand to him to pull me up then he pick me up.

"Can you stay with me today? I don't want to be by myself"

"Of course" I smiled and lay my head on his chest, while he brought me to my room. When we got there I didn't think what happened before, so I just grab some clothes to change to and went to the bathroom. I came back and saw Everest in my bed, I went and lay down next to him. He covered me with my blanket and wrap his arm around me bringing me closer to him. I snuggled in his chest and let out a breath.

"Go to sleep Ever I'm right here, nothing is going to happen to you" I nod. He kissed my head and played with my hair, slowly I fell asleep.



I got another update not even week later!!! Earlier this time!! 

What you thought of this chapter?
I feel like these chaters aren't good and getting boring.

Til next update!

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