Chapter 13

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"Where are we going?" I ask after about 15 or 20 minutes of Everest driving around. For the past 10 minutes or so I just look out the window seeing the trees past by, but for the last 5 minutes we just ask random questions to each other. Like our favorite color, Favorite food, Favorite movie...You know the simple questions you just ask random people, you don't know very well or sometimes nothing at all.

"That's a surprise Sweet heart" He look over at me and wink then look back at the road. "Enjoy the ride for a while, we won't be there for about another 10 or 15 minutes"

"That's to long, I could be at home sleeping or finishing homework, that I didn't finish the past week or anything else." I put my head against the window and look at the trees and the signs that are going by.

"Knowing you, your almost or already done with all your schoolwork" He smirk and I frown, It's true I finish all my homework.

15 minutes later

"We're here" Everest said and park in this little parking lot.

"FINALLY!!" I shout and we both get out of the car, and I stretch my arms and legs out.

"Come on, we have to walk a little bit" I beam, I love walking and running, but I don't really do much of running anymore.

"Ok" I skip to where it was and wait for him to start walking. "What?" I tilt my head to my right with a smile that I can't seem to hide where there's a walking or running activity, even if this isn't really an activity but still, I'm excited. "I don't know where to go, so
lead the way" He stares at me for a while, but then shakes his head and starts walking, me following but looking at the tress, and the birds that are flying back and fourth.

I close my eyes and smile when the wind blows my hair back and the wind hitting my face, a nice cold air that always relax me.

I miss this.

"We're here" I open my eyes, and see a beautiful view of the city, the Orange,pink,red, and yellow sky and the sun doing down is all I see.

"It's beautiful" I stare at the view, my eyes wide "It's...It's wonderful" I stare at it for a few minutes then decided to take a picture, even if it won't look exactly like this view up close and in person, but it's a memory to take and something to look back on.

"Yeah it is" I felt his stare but I just ignore it, I didn't want to look away from the view afraid it will all go away when I look away. "I know" He clear his throat "I come here a lot, for the view or just a way to escape" I wanted to look at him, but the view was still here. I turn to look at him quick, he was already staring at me, but with a blank look. He's really hard to read, he always shields his emotions, but I can't say anything about it because I do it too.

"Ummmm" I clear my throat and look back to the view "I should be heading home, it's getting late"

"Yeah your right" With one last look, we both turn and walk back to my car. This time I'm driving and going to drop him off at his house.

"You can just drop me off here at the corner store" He said after 5 minutes of driving and him telling me where to take a turn.

"Ok" I stop at the corner store he told me to stop at and park. I turn off my car, and we just sit there, in silence but a nice and relaxing silence.  "Well I see you tomorrow at school"

"Yep" He nods.

"Thanks for taking me to your spot, it was fun and relaxing, that what I needed" He smiles at me.

"Your welcome" We just stare at each other then we look away. He got out of the car.

"Bye" He said before he shut the door close.

"Bye see you later" We both wave, he walks away. I start my car up again then drove home.

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A little shorter then usually, but nope not by much.

Sorry I didn't update on Friday or the weekend, I was busy. I went to stay over my aunt and uncle house. I saw the moive Beauty and the beast Friday night, then Saturday I was out with my aunt til around 5pm then went home saw another moive on my tv, and then on Sunday I went to stores and did homework.

I try to update this friday or Saturday.

So please vote!!!! I only get like 4 or 5 votes and then I get my book in a lot of reading list or a lot of reads, but really no votes or comments.

So please vote and comment!!!!!!

Til next update!!!

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