Chapter 2

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"Help" A little girl about the age of 5 yelled, sacred of her life yelled. Trying to see if anyone will hear her, to see if anyone cared enough to save her, but no one will because she's weak and tired.

  She just wanted to be happy

   To be free of fear

  To be loved and cared for

"Please help" she tried to yell again but it came out as a whisper.

Soon she went to sleep
But the last thing she thought before she passes out was

  She didn't wanted to
                         live no more


I jot awake breathing hard, I'm shaking and sweating. I had another nightmare again, I get them a lot they never go away and I don't think they will ever, but there more then a nightmare there a memory, a memory from the past.

I look over to my clock and see it's 4 am, I'm not going back to sleep so I took a shower, got dress then went downstairs on my couch, made a fire in the fire place I have then I sat down on the couch with a blanket, and start reading a book I had on the table.

"EVER!!" Taffy yelled when she entered the kitchen. It's 6:15 now and I'm sipping my hot chocolate while looking at my phone. 

I never had coffee or tea before, I just know I won't like it.

"No need to yell" I told her and put my phone down and yawn.

"Did you stay up last night?" She asked me then went to the fridge and grab a water and an apple.

"Yes, I had to finish an assignment I needed to finish it" I lied not looking at her and taking another sip of my hot chocolate.

"Oh ok" She said, unsure but change the subject, I'm glad. "Today we have to drive our own car's because I go straight to practice today" I nodded.

"Why didn't you text me instead of coming here" I wondered.

"I wanted food and to see my best friend duh" She took a bite of her apple, she could've got food at her own house, I shake my head but smiled.

"We should go now" I said and look at the time 6:30, school starts at 7, it takes about 15 minutes to get there.

She nodded then we both leave my house and got into our cars. I parked next to Taffy when we got to the school.

"Why is everyone whispering" I asked Taffy when we got to our lockers. Everyone is whispering to each other.

"I don't know but I find out later" Taffy said. We got our stuff we need then walk to class, she goes to hers while I go to mine.


"EVER EVER EVER" I heard someone shout out my name, I turned around and saw Taffy trying to run in her heels.

"What?" I asked her.

"I know why people are whispering" She said out of breath, I wait a couple of minutes to get her breath together then she talked "Tomorrow there's going to be a new student coming"


"But it's not just a new student it's Everest Collins"

Ahh Everest Collins he goes to the school Blue moon high. I don't know much about him, but what Taffy tells me he's not good news. He get's in trouble a lot, he doesn't talk to no one if someone does he yells at them or push them away, he's rude and mean.

"Oh ok" I nodded my head,  I don't really care.

"Your not afraid of him?" Taffy asked me In wonder.

Why would I?

"No not really and I don't really care he's coming to this school" Taffy gasp in shock. "I need to go before I'm late for work, I talk to you later Taff bye" We both hug then I went in my car and drove off to my job, Menards. I'm an hour early so I just sitting in the employees room.

"Hey Ever" Lolly said to me then sat across from me. She's like another friend to me.

Lolly is a sweet 19 year old girl. With strawberry short hair and bright blue eyes. She been working here for a year while I been working here for almost 3 years. I got this job when I was 16 and I'm turning 18 in a couple of months.

"Hey Lolly how have you been?" I asked her and smiled.

"Good you?"

"Tried" She smiled at me understanding.

"Staying up late at night for those testes" I nodded half lying while she lightly push my shoulder.

Lolly had to drop out of college because of her little brother, her parents both died last year and because she was 18 already she adopted him.

"Yep" I plop the 'p'

"I remember those days" She lean back into her chair.

"You do know your not thirty, it only been a year since you graduate high school" She laughs.

"True but we should go to work now" I look at the clock and see she's right it's time now.

"Yeah your right" We both get up and put on our green apron thing that have our name on it. It's just plain  green but with Menards in yellow on it.

It's been an another hour and I helped 7 customers that needed help finding some things. Now it's my break and I'm back in the break room eating a sandwich, but only eating half.

"Your not hungry much" Lolly said to me, it's also her break time.

"Yeah" I put my sandwich back in it's plastic bag and into my lunch box.

"You know I never saw you eat a lot from the year I been working here" She took a bite from her sub she bought at subway before she came to work.

"Yeah I don't eat much" I took out my water bottle and took a sip.

3 hours later I finish my shift and went home. I don't have any homework tonight, so I just took a shower and watch tv. Then my phone beep, I'm guessing it's Taffy.

Hey tomorrow I'm picking up one of the other cheerleaders so I meet at school, sorry ~Taff

That's fine, I have to go to work tomorrow right after school anyways ~Ever

How was work today? ~Taff

Good, I talked to Lolly today and we chat for a bit ~Ever

That's good tell her I said hi next time ~Taff

Ok I will :-) ~Ever

Taff meet Lolly a few times because she visit me a few times at work.

I need to go but I talk to you later, night ~Taff

Night ~Ever

I charge my phone then went back to watching tv. Soon when it got to 12 o'clock I went to sleep.



What you think of the chapter?

How and school is starting back up this Tuesday the 6th, my first day of high school, I'm a little nervous.

Chole grace Moretz playing as Taffy ↑↑

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